Saturday, May 15, 2010

Singing about the Valley of Sunrise

It was a seriously long day. I mean, at first the looong day at work, i didn't even get a chance to sit down for 5 minutes during these 8,5 hours. Then, after the escape from slavery, me and my mom and Irmeli went to Tallinn's Museum Night. We saw some nice baroque castles, the exhibition of Bidermeier art in Baltics, the cottage of Peter the I and Jaani church. At some point we managed to get some ice cream and enjoy the wonderful atmosphere in Kadriorg - it's so hard to believe, that i still have school on Monday. Eeww, how depressing.







Kohutavalt pikk päev oli. Kõigepealt siis piiiiikk tööpäev, kus terve 8,5 tunni jooksul ei avanenud võimalust viieks minutikski jalga puhata. Seejärel sain ema ja Irmeliga kokku ning me käisime Tallinna Muuseumiööl. Nägime barokkseid losse, Balti biidermeieri näitust, Peeter I suvemajakest ning Jaani kiriku orelit. Minigl hetkel hankisime ka jäätise ning nautisime Kadrioru imelist õhustikku - väga raske on uskuda, et esmaspäeval ootab mind juba kool. Fuhh, masendav.

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