Tuesday, August 10, 2010

walk with me

Was at the orthodontist today, then at the library and later on met Irmeli. We bought the tickets for "Breakfast at Tiffany's" on rooftop cinema, oooh, i'm so excited! Then we went windowshopping, beacuase my paycheck didn't arrive on time again. We also checked out jewellery and some pricier watches, because my mom wants to present me one for my b-day. Still couldn't decide, what i want. Later in the evening driving school and here i am.
Now i think i'm gonna read "Fucking Berlin", it's about a student who turned into a prostitute cause she didn't have any money. Haha, yes, i know i make the most random book choices but i began reading it and it's pretty good.
BTW, i read " All Quiet on the Western Front" by Remarque and altough it was about war, i still loved it! Brutal and realistic.

rotermann (9)
Top- New Yorker, Pants- Reserved, Bag- Zara, Slips- Link
rotermann (13)rotermann (12)

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Olin ortodondi juures, siis raamatukogus ning sain Irmeliga kokku. Ostsime katusekino "Hommikusöök Tiffany juures" seansile piletid ära, ma nii ootan seda! Siis tegime windowshoppingut, sest mu palk ei tulnud õigel ajal kohale. Vaatasime ka juveelipoest ehteid ja kelli, sest mu emal on plaan kinkida mulle midagi taolist süntariks. Ei suutnud endiselt otsustada, mida ma tahan. No ja õhtul siis autokoolis ja siin ma olen.
Nüüd lähen ilmselt "Fucking Berlin"i lugema ,see räägib tudengist, kes hakkab prostituudiks suure rahanappuse tõttu. Haha, ma tean, mul on veider raamatutemaitse, aga ma juba alustasin ning see oli päris põnev.
Muideks, lugesin ka Remarque'i "Läänerindel muutuseta" läbi ning kuigi see rääkis sõjast, meeldis see mulle tohutult! Jõhker ja realistlik.

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