Tuesday, May 24, 2011

She covers one eye 'cause she can see into your mind

Wow, I actually studied some German and History today. Procrastination only builds up my feelings of guilt and shame of not doing anything useful, so I'm working on it now.
Anyways, it's that marvellous time of the year again - somewhere between spring and summer, when everything is blooming and blossoming. The smell of freshly mown grass, the refreshing breeze of air and of course - lilacs and appletree blossoms! Yup, certainly brings out the nature freak in me.

Ossaraks, ma isegi õppisin pisut saksa keelt ja ajalugu täna. Asjade edasilükkamine tekitab minus vastikut tunnet, milles segunevad süümekad ja häbi, niisiis katsun end nüüdsest käsile võtta.
Juhiksin tähelepanu sellele, et käes on taas see imeline aeg aastas, mis asub kuskil kevade ja suve vahel, mil kõik alles alustab õitsemist. Värskelt niidetud muru lõhn, värskendav tuuleiil ning minu suured lemmikud - sirelid ja õunapuu õied! Jah, loodusefänn ilmus välja.

The Kills - Gypsy Death and You


Carlos said...

Procrastination is my permanent illness I guess! haha ;)

Kriss said...

I hate the consequences of procrastinating, so I'm trying to change my habits :)

Carlos said...

I hate them too!... But I don't change it, though I should... :D

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