Monday, June 20, 2011


Been to some graduation parties. These are from today, when I. and A. graduated (rebellious girls like they are - they wore pants and leather jackets). 
My graduation will be tomorrow and idk... It's like I don't know what to feel at the moment - sadness, happiness, fear, anger? Anything else? I should be preparing myself for tomorrow, but I just don't know, where to start...

Käisin paaril lõpetamisel, need fotod on siis tänasest. Irmeli ja Annika olid üsna ebatüüpilised lõpetajad, kandsid pükse ja nahkjakki. Rahutud noored.
Minu lõpetamine on homme ja kohe ei teagi... Peaks nagu midagi tundma, aga mida? Kurbust, rõõmu, hirmu, viha? Veel midagi? Lisaks peaksin homseks valmistuma, aga no kohe ei tea, kust alustada...

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