Thursday, August 11, 2011

Amazed by it all

How about the other half of the photos we made last week?
And I'm still so excited about Denmark and already thinking what to pack with me. Not much possibilities in organizing my whole life into mere 23 kg's. I'm glad I'm not the only Estonian going to Sonderborg and that I have a chance to listen to my native language from time to time. And the 1th of September sounds very promising, I'll give you all the exciting details later!

Kuidas oleks teise hunniku fotodega, mis me eelmisel nädalal tegime?
Ja endiselt olen põnevil Taani mineku pärast ning mõtlen tasakesti, mida kaasa pakkida. Pole just palju võimalusi oma elu mahutada 23 kilo sisse. Ja mul on meeletult hea meel, et ma pole ainus eestlane Sonderborgis ning aeg-ajalt avaneb mul võimalus ka emakeelt kuulda. Esimene september tõotab tulla väga paljulubav, varsti kuulete sellest detailsemalt!


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