Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bang Bang io sparo a te

Yesterday we went to this open-air cinema, that was held in a park. They were showing this really awesome movie by Xavier Dolan and it was called "Les Amours Imaginaires" or "Heartbeats" (a weird translation actually). The scenery and the mood were perfect in that movie. It was really beautiful, the story was interesting and altough at some parts maybe embarrasing (but that's life, right?) still worth a watch. And something I would expect from a french movie - difficult relationships, love trianlges and lots of smoking. The soundtrack is deffinetly worth the attention and there's this one scene that I can't get out of my head...

Käisime eile Tornide väljakul püstitatud vabaõhukinos. Näidati Xavier Dolani filmi "Les Amours Imaginaires"i ehk eesti keeles "Kujuteldav armastus". Visuaalselt väga kaunis ja lihtsalt ideaalse atmosfääriga film. No tõepoolest, kohutavalt ilus, stoori oli huvitav ja kuigi osades kohtades tundsin piinlikkust (aga hei, elu ongi selline ju?), on see sellegipoolest väärt vaatamisaega. No ja muidugi on see eht-prantslaslik film - keerulised suhted, armukolmnurk ja palju suitsetamist. Soundtrackile tasub ka pisut tähelepanu pühendada ning siis on veel üks stseen filmist, mida ei suuda unustada...


Carlos said...

If you like Les Amour Imaginaires you should also watch J'ai tué ma mère! It's called "I killed my mother" in English!

Kriss said...

Yeah, I've been thinking about it! Sure will do!

Liisu said...

Jaa, Dolani filmid on tõesti väga head, seejuures I Killed My Motheri tegi ta kui oli meievanune alles. See stseen oli mu lemmik ka :)

Kriss said...

Mhmh, mul jäi karp lahti, kui seda tüüpi guugeldasin!

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