Tuesday, May 22, 2012

These Streets Will Never Look the Same

 Arcade Fire - "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)"

Soe oli. Ja minul on homme eksam hiina ja euroopa filosoofia peale, lisaks "The Grand Neeham Question". Ja just seepärast visati vajalik tekst nurka ning mindi linna peale. Jalutama.
Avastamisrõõmu jagus piisavalt, lisaks tutvusime kohatul kombel uute naabritega ning aitasime tuttavatel kolida (ehk hoidsime ust lahti ja panime koridoris tule põlema, kui nad voodiraami neljandale korrusele tirisid - we so useful).
It was warm. And I have an exam tomorrow on Chinese and European philosophy, also "The Grand Needham Question". And this is just why all neccessary papers got flipped and a little walk in the town occured.
Lot's of exploring to do actually - we met our new neighbours in a really unconventional way and helped our friends with moving (which means we held the doors open and turned the light on in the corridor as they were carrying a heavy bed-frame on the fourth floor - so useful, we know).

Sireeeeelid oma võrratu aroomiga tärkavat suve kuulutamas.
Lilacs and their amazing aroma announcing the arriving summer.

Lahtised uksed - järelikult oleme oodatud.
Front doors are open? In that case, we are welcome.

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