Mu teine õhtu Sonderborgis - mäletan, kuidas mööda neid tänavaid rändasime ja üritasime ühikaid leida. Kõik tundus nii uus ja põnev! Ja ohhooo, sellest on kümme kuud möödas (tänase seisuga). Peaaegu aasta!
Neid pilte vaadates meenub, et mul puudus sel hetkel totaalselt suunataju, linn tundus siis nii suurena. Oleksin ma üksi olnud, oleksin 100% tõenäosusega ära eksinud (nagu eelneval ehk siis mu täiesti esimesel õhtul Taanis - good beginning, eh?)
My second evening in Sonderborg - I remember, how we were tripping on these streets and we were trying to find one of the dorms. Everything seemed so new and exciting! And wow, it's 10 months since this photo was taken! Almost a year!
I remember watching these photos, that I absolutely no idea, where the heck I was at that moment - the town seemed so big! I swear, if I would have been alone, I would've gotten lost, 100% sure about that (like on the previous, my completely first evening here - good beginning, eh?).
Ja selle pildiga meenub, kuidas me ei osanud eksinutena muud targemat teha, kui end pildistada iga nurga pealt. Ja sel hetkel tekkis nali UK (Ungdoms Kollegiet lühendina) ühikaga seoses, mida me nii meeleheitlikult otsisime ("Excuse me, where's UK?" -"Huh? Erm, across the sea?" -"Nono, not the United Kingdom, the dorms!" -"Oh. Dno.").
And with this one, I just have to think of how we were totally lost and didn't know better than to just take photos of us from different (unflattering) angles.
And we kinda develped a joke with the UK (Ungdoms Kollegiet in short form) dorm.
Lõpuks jõudsime õnnelikult ühikasse. Sellele aitas kaasa takso-buss, mis meid tasuta ära viskas.
Koju rändasime lõbusas olekus ja vihma käes, tuiasime tundmatutel tänavatel, laulsime liiga valjult ning häirisime korralike taanlaste öörahu (jaaaa sellest on piinlik video). Ja kodus keetsime rõõmsatena kell 5 hommikul maisi.
Jepp, see oli paljulubav algus.
Täna tööl, homme tööl. Lõpuks ometi on tunne, nagu teeks midagi kasulikku peale kooli lõppu.
So finally we found our way to the dorms. We got some help from a taxi-bus, which dropped us off for free. While going home, we were in a realy fun state and it was raining. We were just strolling through unknown streets, singing really loudly and disturbing the sleep on decent Danes (aaaand it's all documented on video). And cooking corn-cobs at 5 a.m. when we got home.
Yep, it was a really promising beginning.
Work today, work tomorrow. Finally getting the feeling, like I'm doing someting useful here after school ended.
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