Sunday, July 8, 2012


Juulikuu alguses toimub Sønderborgis mitmepäevane festival, mida kohalikud nimetavad Ringriderfest'iks (inglise keeles tilting at the ring). Tilting at the ring'i juured ulatuvad keskaega, mil rüütlid osalesid turniiridel (sellised, kus hobuste otsas piigiga vastase poole kapati, teate küll). Selleks ajaks, kui komme jõudis ka Taani, asendus relvatsatud vastane hoopis pisikese rõngaga, mis puulattide vahel ripub, nii et see "spordiala" muutus lihtrahva suurürituseks.
Tilting at the ring tõi endaga Sønderborgi kaasa hunniku rahvast, hobuseid, paraade ja rändtivoli, mida käisime eile uudistamas.
Tilting-at-the-Ring festivals are a longstanding tradition in Southern Jutland, and every town has its own tilting tournament during the summer. Festivities last throuhout
the weekends, when riders compete during the day and the evening is one long party in the beer tents. Tilting-at-the-Ring has its roots in the Middle Ages, when knights fought each other on horseback with lances. When the sport came to Denmark, the armoured knights were replaced by a ring hanging in a gallows, making it an event for the common people. [source]
This event brought a lot of people, horses, parades and a travelling tivoli to Sønderborg, so we went to check it out.
Üritus toimub suurel staadionil, kus varemgi kõik festivalid toimunud, lisaks oli seal ka ühine jalgpalli vaatamine - jep, see ongi Ringriderplads.
The whole thing is held on Ringriderplads, where all the previous festivals have been held + we also watched football there on the big screen.
Ja siin on siis rajad ja postid, mille vahel on rõngakesed. Point seisneb sellest, et kokku on 24 rada ja iga ratsanik peab kõigist kahekümne neljast rõngast piigiga läbi saama. Siis pääseb edasi teise raundi, ehk siis taaskord 24 rada, kuid seekord väiksema rõngaga.
And here are the tracks and poles with the rings. The point here is, that there are 24 tracks and each rider has to get through all of these 24 rings with their spears. Then the rider proceeds to another round, which is basically the same 24 tracks again, but with a smaller ring.
Just selja taga olevalt karusellilt tulnud. Üritan nägu teha, et kõik on korras, kuid tegelikult jalad tudisesid ja sees keeras, höhö.
Just got off the big carousel behind me. Trying to look, like I'm okay, but acutally my legs were shaking and everything was spinning inside me, höhö.

Tudisevate jalgade põhjustaja.
The reason of my shaky legs.

Hakkasime just lahkuma ning olime pisut kurvad, et keegi ei saa meid kahest pilti teha, kuid juurde astusid lõbusas olekus taanlased ning pakkusid ise, et ehk teevad meist kahest pilti. 
We were just leaving and were a bit sad, that there was no one to take a photo of us two and right on that moment, some really cheerful danes came up to us and offered themselves to take a pic of us.
Ja kodus kaunistasime kööki müstiliste lillekestega müstilistest kohtadest :D
Aaaand back at home, decorating our kitchen with mysterious flowers from mysterious places :D

Serebro - Mama Ljuba

See laul aitas meil karuselli üle elada :D
This song helped us to survive the carousel :D

1 comment

Igor+andré said...

WOW awesome! love the pictures! that looks like so much fun :)

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