CHVRCHES - The Mother We Share
Tegelikult tunneme end mõlemad tõbiselt, eriti peale öiseid väljaskäike ja õues külmetamisi. Siiski vedasime end täna välja komisjonipoodi mööbliotsingutele, mis ei olnud kuigi edukad.
Vähemalt saime väljas pildistada ning ilusat ilma nautida.
Rell tuli spontaanselt külla, sest lukustas end majast välja :D Kuniks majaomanik tagasi Sonderborgi kihutas, tsillisime meie köögis ning jõime teed.
Nüüd, kus kõht pannkookidest täis on, peaks end niipalju kokku võtma, et lõpuks õppima asuksin.
Actually we both feel kinda sick-ish, especially after some nights spent outside in the cold autumn nights. Anyway we managed to get ourselves out of the house today to check out the furniture fleamarket.
Didn't find anything good there, but atleast we got to take some photos and enjoy the nice weather.
Reelika came for a spontaneous visit, since she locked herself out of the house :D While we were cozily drinking tea at our kitchen, the houseowner was speeding back to Sonderborg for help.
Now that my tummy is full of pancakes, I should motivate myself just enough to actually start studying.
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