Tuesday, September 4, 2012


 Kell oli kolm öösel, tukkusime lennujaamas kohvrite otsas, näksisime juustu ja kuivikuid, ootasime. Paljulubav.
3 in the night, sleeping on our luggage at the airport, snacking on cheese and crackers, waiting.
 Tallinna lennujaamas ootas mind üllatus.
Tallinn Airport had a surprise for me.
 Nonii, lennust jäime peaaegu maha, sest tax free pood oli niivõrd põnev, aega on ju oi kui palju ja siis ühel hetkel hakatakse nimepidi üle lennujaama kutsuma - boarding time ammu käes! Piinlik.
Tallinn, Riia, Kopenhaagen. Rongini olid mõned tunnid, nii et võtsime suuna kesklinna.
So we almost missed our flight, you know, tax free shop was so interesting and there's totally enough time and oh my, then they start calling out your name throughout the whole airport - boarding time has been on for a long time now! Embarrassing indeed.
Tallinn, Riga, Copenhagen. We had some spare time 'til our train, so we went to the city centre.

 Kertil olid juunist olulisimad sihtkohad veel värskelt meeles. Minu giid.
Kerti had just made a trip to Cph in June. So she was my tour guide.

 Pean tunnistama, et mind häirib see viimane hanzi, sest ma ei suuda mingi meetodiga tuvastada ei hääldust ega tähendust. Argh.
I must confess that I'm slightly bothered by that last hanzi, since I can't find how it's pronounced and what does it mean. Argh.

 Kell sai lõpuks 9 hommikul, tegime piknik-hommikusöögi linnaplatsil.
Finally 9 a.m., just in time for a picnic breakfast at the city square.

 Jaaaa Christiania paistab!
Aaaaand here's Christiania!
Hommik pole sellise koha külastamiseks vast parim aeg, piirkond alles ärkas, müügimehed sättisid oma kraami alles lettidele ja rahvas toibus unest. Aga muljetavaldav oli siiski, palju kunsti, inimesed laulmas ja päevitamas, kontvõõrad bonjour'e sulle pildumas. Hea atmosfäär.
Lõpuks saime ka rongile ning selleks hetkeks oli tunne, et päev on õhtus. Ja tegelikult oli alles kell 11.30 ja jõle tüütu pikk rongireis alles ees. Rongis külmetasime end kangeks, sest kuskilt puhus külma õhku meile täpselt peale ja viimased pool tundi passisime närviliselt nagu preeriakoerad siia-tänna, et lõpuks Sonderborgi silmata. Huhh. Pikk päev ja tänaseni andis end väsimus tunda, aga küll ma toibun.
Esimese päeva lisaboonus : rattakumm läks pumbates katki, I haz broken bike nao.
The morning is perhaps not the best time to visit a place like Christiania, since the area was just waking up, salesmen putting up their stands, people just coming out of their sleep. But it was impressive anyway, lot's of art, people singing and sunbathing, strangers telling you "bonjour". Wonderful atmosphere.
We finally made it to our train and it felt like the day was over with that. And actually it was only 11.30 a.m. with the whole annoying train-trip ahead of us. We were totally freezing in the train, since there was cold air blowing on us throughout the whole time + the last half an hour we were jumping nervously around like prairie dogs just to finally spot Sonderborg. Huhh, such a long day and I still feel a tad bit tired, but I'll get over it.
A bonus for first day impressions: broke my biketire while I was pumping it, broken bike is not that handy.

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