Kings Of Leon - The End
A while ago I bought this nifty little disposable camera for 30DKK from Tiger. I took it with me to Croatia and to some other places, then I put it on the shelf and forgot about it... until I took it to the photostore yesterday and got the film developed! I'm really happy for the results, even though half of the film was damaged.. but hey, that's why these photos are even more precious!
A while ago I bought this nifty little disposable camera for 30DKK from Tiger. I took it with me to Croatia and to some other places, then I put it on the shelf and forgot about it... until I took it to the photostore yesterday and got the film developed! I'm really happy for the results, even though half of the film was damaged.. but hey, that's why these photos are even more precious!
I will deffinetly get some more of these cameras before leaving to Estonia!
Tükk aega tagasi ostsin Tigeri poest ühe pisikese vahva ühekordse kaamera, mis maksis vaid 30DKK'd. Võtsin selle endaga Horvaatiasse ning mujalegi kaasa, pildistasin filmi täis ning unustasin kaamera riiulile seisma... kuniks end eile kokku võtsin ning viisin filmi ilmutusse! Olen tulemusega väga rahul, olgugi, et pool filmist oli kahjustunud ning neid pilte ma enam kunagi ei näe... aga hei, just seetõttu on need pildid veelgi väärtuslikumad!
Kindlasti varun paar sellist kaamerat veel enne Eestisse minekut!
P.S. Kuna kulinaarseid saavutusi üritan ikka eraldi blogis hoida, siis Tiramisu retsepti leiab siit !
P.S. Kuna kulinaarseid saavutusi üritan ikka eraldi blogis hoida, siis Tiramisu retsepti leiab siit !
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