Paras aeg näidata, mis imelises kohas ma nüüd koolis käin.
It's about time to show you the wonderful place I study at now.
Jah, keset kooliõue kuivatavad siinsed töötajad oma pesu, nagu alati.
Yes, the local workers are drying their clothes right in the middle of the campus.
Study Service hoone, kus asub paar supermarketit (müügil kõik alates toidust kuni pikendusjuhtmete ja riidepuudeni), väike kosmeetikapood, kingsepp, raamatupood, China Mobile esindus...
The Study Service building, where we have couple of mini supermarkets (selling everything starting from food 'til extension cords and clothes hangers), a little cosmetics shop, shoemaker, book shop, China Mobile store...
Meil on kaks sööklat, mõlemas on kaks korrust (ühes on lisaks moslemitele eraldi sööklakorrus). Saadaval on otseloomulikult igasugust hiinapäraselt valmistatud toitu, olgu selleks midagi tuttavat a la köögiviljad või midagi hoopis ekstreemsemat... näiteks kanavarbad (brrr!). Pooltel juhtudel ei tunne osasid komponente toidus ära, seega vahel peab riskima ja eks katse-eksitus meetodil saab lõpuks aimu, mida maksab tellida ja mille jätaks parema meelega letti kedagi teist ootama. Kahvleid-nuge otseloomulikult pole, seega võivad meiesugused pulkade-võhikud kohalikele sööklas süües veidi kino teha ja oma nuudleid igale poole kohmakalt laiali puistada (või karbiga toitu koju kaasa tellida ning kodus pulkadega söömist harjutada... haha, ma veidi mässan süsteemi vastu ja söön kodus ikka kahvliga).
We have two canteens, both have 2 floors (+ one of them has an extra floor for a muslim canteen). There's plenty of food available, prepared in a chinese way and it might be something familiar a la veggies or something more extreme... like chicken feet (brr!). Half of the time I have no clue what they're offering, so I'm just being adventurous and ordering random stuff, so by trying out different things I'll soon develop an understanding of what I like and what should be left right where it is.
Of course there are no forks or knives, so laowai's like us are entertaining the locals with our clumsy attempts of eating with chopsticks and dropping our noodles all over the place (good thing you can order takeaway here, so there is always the possibility of practising some of your chopstick-skills by eating at home... haha, I'm the rebel still eating with a fork in my room though).
Sportimisvõimalusi jagub ka - meil on tenniseväljak, korvpalliväljakud, jalgpalliväljakud, suur staadion ja hiiglaslik spordihoone, kus peaks olema jõusaal ja mägironimis-sein (pole sellesse hoonesse veel jõudnud). Hetkel jooksen mööda campust (üks ring on juba 1.5km) ning teen Nike Training Club app'iga trenne (hehe, oma uute hantlite ja mati abiga), et mitte lodevaks muutuda. Lifti ka eriti ei kasuta, kõmbin trepist oma kümnendal korrusel asuvasse toakesse ja üleüldiselt käin siin palju jalgsi. No excuses!
There's plenty of opportunities for sports - we have a tennis court, some basketball and football fields, a huge stadium and a gigantic building for sports, where we have a gym and a wall for mountain climbing (haven't been to that place yet). Right now I just do my morning runs around the campus (one circle around the whole thing andd you already have 1.5km), also I'm doing exercises with my Nike Training Club app (hehe, with the help of my new mat and weights), so I'm not gonna get flabby here. I rarely use the elevator and prefer taking the stairs to my room, which is on the 10th floor and just in general I do a loooot of walking around here. No excuses!
Vaade peavärava juurest.
View from the main gate.
The Library.
Hiinlaste ühikas
The dorm for Chinese students
Rahvusvaheliste õpilaste ühikas oma täies hiilguses
The dorm for international students in all its' glory
Mainisin, et meil on turvaväravad ja turvad peasissekäigu juures? Ja et kõik, kes siin ei ela ning külla tulevad, peavad enda külaskäigu kirja panema valvelauas ja teatud kellaajal pidavad turvad külalisi minema ajama siit! See on lihtsalt nii teistmoodi võrreldes taani ühikatega, mul on endiselt naljakas, aga eks suurlinnas peavad tõesti karmimad turvameetmed olema....
Did I mention we have gates and security at the main entrance? And everyone visiting the dorm, but who does not live here, has to register themselves at the reception and at some timepoint in the evening the guards will come to excort the guest out! This is just so different compares to Danish dorms, I still find it completely funny, but on the other hand I understand, that the security measures have to be more strict in a big city...
Yes, the local workers are drying their clothes right in the middle of the campus.
Study Service hoone, kus asub paar supermarketit (müügil kõik alates toidust kuni pikendusjuhtmete ja riidepuudeni), väike kosmeetikapood, kingsepp, raamatupood, China Mobile esindus...
The Study Service building, where we have couple of mini supermarkets (selling everything starting from food 'til extension cords and clothes hangers), a little cosmetics shop, shoemaker, book shop, China Mobile store...
Meil on kaks sööklat, mõlemas on kaks korrust (ühes on lisaks moslemitele eraldi sööklakorrus). Saadaval on otseloomulikult igasugust hiinapäraselt valmistatud toitu, olgu selleks midagi tuttavat a la köögiviljad või midagi hoopis ekstreemsemat... näiteks kanavarbad (brrr!). Pooltel juhtudel ei tunne osasid komponente toidus ära, seega vahel peab riskima ja eks katse-eksitus meetodil saab lõpuks aimu, mida maksab tellida ja mille jätaks parema meelega letti kedagi teist ootama. Kahvleid-nuge otseloomulikult pole, seega võivad meiesugused pulkade-võhikud kohalikele sööklas süües veidi kino teha ja oma nuudleid igale poole kohmakalt laiali puistada (või karbiga toitu koju kaasa tellida ning kodus pulkadega söömist harjutada... haha, ma veidi mässan süsteemi vastu ja söön kodus ikka kahvliga).
We have two canteens, both have 2 floors (+ one of them has an extra floor for a muslim canteen). There's plenty of food available, prepared in a chinese way and it might be something familiar a la veggies or something more extreme... like chicken feet (brr!). Half of the time I have no clue what they're offering, so I'm just being adventurous and ordering random stuff, so by trying out different things I'll soon develop an understanding of what I like and what should be left right where it is.
Of course there are no forks or knives, so laowai's like us are entertaining the locals with our clumsy attempts of eating with chopsticks and dropping our noodles all over the place (good thing you can order takeaway here, so there is always the possibility of practising some of your chopstick-skills by eating at home... haha, I'm the rebel still eating with a fork in my room though).
Sportimisvõimalusi jagub ka - meil on tenniseväljak, korvpalliväljakud, jalgpalliväljakud, suur staadion ja hiiglaslik spordihoone, kus peaks olema jõusaal ja mägironimis-sein (pole sellesse hoonesse veel jõudnud). Hetkel jooksen mööda campust (üks ring on juba 1.5km) ning teen Nike Training Club app'iga trenne (hehe, oma uute hantlite ja mati abiga), et mitte lodevaks muutuda. Lifti ka eriti ei kasuta, kõmbin trepist oma kümnendal korrusel asuvasse toakesse ja üleüldiselt käin siin palju jalgsi. No excuses!
There's plenty of opportunities for sports - we have a tennis court, some basketball and football fields, a huge stadium and a gigantic building for sports, where we have a gym and a wall for mountain climbing (haven't been to that place yet). Right now I just do my morning runs around the campus (one circle around the whole thing andd you already have 1.5km), also I'm doing exercises with my Nike Training Club app (hehe, with the help of my new mat and weights), so I'm not gonna get flabby here. I rarely use the elevator and prefer taking the stairs to my room, which is on the 10th floor and just in general I do a loooot of walking around here. No excuses!
Vaade peavärava juurest.
View from the main gate.
The Library.
Hiinlaste ühikas
The dorm for Chinese students
Rahvusvaheliste õpilaste ühikas oma täies hiilguses
The dorm for international students in all its' glory
Mainisin, et meil on turvaväravad ja turvad peasissekäigu juures? Ja et kõik, kes siin ei ela ning külla tulevad, peavad enda külaskäigu kirja panema valvelauas ja teatud kellaajal pidavad turvad külalisi minema ajama siit! See on lihtsalt nii teistmoodi võrreldes taani ühikatega, mul on endiselt naljakas, aga eks suurlinnas peavad tõesti karmimad turvameetmed olema....
Did I mention we have gates and security at the main entrance? And everyone visiting the dorm, but who does not live here, has to register themselves at the reception and at some timepoint in the evening the guards will come to excort the guest out! This is just so different compares to Danish dorms, I still find it completely funny, but on the other hand I understand, that the security measures have to be more strict in a big city...
No nüüd tekkis küll totaalne nostalgia. Mida kõike ise ka ei kogenud seal campuse peal. Tore koht :)
See campus on tõesti hullult vahva, mõnus troopiline džungel :)
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