Mapei - Don't Wait
Otsustasime, et reede õhtul välja minemine on liiga etteaimatav, seega olime hubaselt kodused, nosisime küpsiseid ja tegime tüdrukutega filmiõhtu.
Täna hommikul suundusime meie lemmiku wet market'i poole, kust ostsime hunniku värsket kraami. Wet market on turg, kus müüakse kohalike talupidajate samal päeval korjatud värsket kraami mõnusalt odava hinna eest (enam küll Carrefour'i kuivanud porgandeid kullahinnaga ei osta).
Seal müüakse ka vetikaid! Ehk siis olen hakanud austama kelp noodles'eid - alguses on naljakas 'mere maitse', aga kui pisut sojakastet ja tomateid lisada, saab täitsa mõnusa salati + all the health benefits!
Lettidelt võis leida veel elusaid kalu, krabisid, angerjaid, krevette ja tuhandeid muid tundmatuid molluskeid. Muidugi oli ka lihalette, kanamune, kuivatatud puuvilju, pähkleid, tofut, soja, värskest taignast äsja valmis sikutatud nuudleid... just name it. Sellistel hetkedel on jõle kahju, et mul pole kööki ning praegusesse külmkappi mahtuvate esemete arvu võib ühe käe sõrmedel üles loetleda.
Oh! Julgesin pisut eksperimenteerida ka ning ostsin täidetud lootosejuure! Olin mitu korda seda asjandust näinud turul ning arvasin, et tegemist on mingit sorti kahtlase ja ebaatraktiivse vorstiga, kuniks netis surfates selgus, et ohhoo, maius hoopis. Nägi kahtlane välja, lõhnas veel kahtlasemalt ning olin juba vaikselt plaani haudumas, et kuidas sellest lahti saada või kellele see ära kinkida, kuid maitsmisel selgus, et see on lausa... hea! Magus, kergelt mee maitsega ning naljaka tekstuuriga.
Väga asjakohane oli täna toiduvarusid täiendada, sest homme-ülehomme riivab Shanghaid õrnalt taifuun Fitow ning tormiga väga välja minna ei soovi (eriti peale seda eepilist vihmasadu, mille üsna hiljuti läbi elasin).
Rängad katsumused siinmail algavad juba täna õhtul Justin Bieberi kontserdiga Shanghais. Katsume üle elada selle nädalavahetuse!
We found that going out on Friday is way too mainstream, so we stayed in, indulged on cookies and had a movie night with the girls.
This morning we headed to our favourite wet market and got a ton of fresh goodies.
Wet market is a marketplace, where one can get freshly picked food from local farmers for a fairly cheap price (take that, dry and expensive carrots at Carrefour!).
They also have seaweed! Basically I started to like kelp noodles - they have this funny 'sea taste' to them in the beginning, but add a dab of soya sauce and tomatoes and you get the perf salad + let's not mention the health benefits!
One can also find living fishies, crabs, eels, shrimps and bazillions of other unknown sea creatures. Of course they had multiple meat stands, eggs, dried fruit, nuts, tofu, soya, noodles freshly pulled from the dough... just name it. Moments like this and I get sad because of the crappy kitchen at our dorm and the tiny fridge I own, which fits like only a couple of my buys.
Oh! I was in the experimental mood today and tried the stuffed lotusroot! I had seen the thing a couple of times and had mistaken it for a really ugly and suspicious looking sausage. Then I stumbled on that article online and I was really surprised to find out it's sweet! It looked bad, it smelled weird and I was already hatching ideas of how to get rid of it and whom I should give it to, but giving it a taste... I'd say it was actually good! Sweet, one can feel the taste of honey and has a funny texture.
It was a damn good idea to fill on the food supplies, since we're expecting a tiny typhoon Fitow passing by Shanghai tomorrow and I'm so not gonna leave the house with a storm after that epic rainfall accident I had previously.
The hard times will acutally start already tonight with Justin Bieber giving a concert in Shanghai. Just gonna try to survive this weekend!
Entering our beloved wet market.
This is from the shopping mall. Yolo electronics shop - always makes me smile in a stupid manner.
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