Sunday, December 1, 2013

Jing'An Temple as a Sunday Treat

Jing'An Temple

Pühapäeva sudusel hommikul jätkus mu kultuurine nädalavahetus Jing'Ani templiga.
Jing'Ani tempel asub otse kesklinnas, Shanghai kõige olulisema tänava alguses (Nanjingist käib jutt). 
Tempel pärineb aastast 247 Wu kuningriigi aegadest, kuigi toona oli selle asukohaks Suzhou oja kaldal. Songi dünastia aegadel, 1216ndal aastal, viidi tempel üle praegusesse asukohta. Siin asub Hiina suurim nefriit Buddha - pea neli meetrit kõrge ja kaalub 11 000 kg.
On this smoggy Sunday morning I continued with my weekend filled with culture and we went to Jing'An temple. It's situated right in the heart of the city, on the most famous street in Shanghai (yeah, Nanjing Road).
The temple was built in year 247 during the Wu Kingdom, altough then it was situated by the Suzhou Creek. During the Song Dynasty, around 1216, it was relocated to the current location. The biggest jade Buddha in Mainland China is situated here, with the height of almost 4 meters and a weight of 11 000 kg. 

Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Haha, me in my "natural" state :D
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Monks with smartphones
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple 
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple
No photo of the "big Buddha", but here's some people praying in front of it
Jing'An Temple
Amazing woodcarved windows
Jing'An Temple
Jing'An Temple

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