Kõigele lisaks sai mõnusalt süüa (kindlalt toidukoomas paar järgnevat päeva) ja kingitusi! Paar fänni sain ka, kes pilti tahtsid teha hihi :)
Kella kaheks oli brunch muidugi läbi ja naasin igapäeva elu juurde, ehk siis glämm kleit seljast ja pesu pesema & tuba koristama. Tagantjärgi on naljakas mõelda, et täna juba peol käisin.
The grandiose plan of not doing anything this weekend and just taking a time off was replaced with song rehearsals and dress fittings, so today already before noon I was standing on a stage in the Donghua restaurant hosting a CNY brunch. I was also one of the performers. Since I found out about being a hostess only yesterday, I had only one day to prepare, but it all went well.
On top of everything we got food - plenty of it! (hellooo food-coma for the next couple of days) and presents! Also got myself a few fans who wanted to take pictures with me :)
The brunch was over at around 2 p.m. and that's when I returned to my remarkably awesome everyday life... so bye-bye glamourous dress and hello landry & cleaning the room! So weird I already went to a party today.
Hosts of the party. I loved my dress today!
And Jennie, our SDU classmate from Sweden, who chose to go to Beijing Foreign Launguages School for her exchange, came for a visit today!
This is one of these awkward photos all the teachers want to have with their students after every party, hihihi
Also, look at the length of my dress! It's a miracle I didn't trip and fall. One time I had to tell two guys to get off my dress, 'cause they were both standing on my skirt. At the same time. That's how long the dress was.
Ayey, I didn't even expect this, but I also got a present! Thing is, for CNY, all the employees get these huge mysterious present boxes from work. I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to take a look inside and now - now I have my own! Sooooo, besides the Japanese Shiseido Kuyura products, we got....
snacks! Lot's of them! Some really nice, like pistachios and hazelnuts... and then there was dried pork. Or something, that looked like candy, I mean it was even wrapped in a candy wrapper and then you open it... and it's a dried meatball! Hahaha, altough I find the concept of wrapping meat in candy wrappers hilarious, well... the taste was not as extraordinary. And the dried plums with salt (why salt?) are questionable also.
But I ain't complaining, I'm pretty damn happy and welcoming the thought of trying out new things!
Väga väga ilus kleit!
Oli jaa! Kleidi valimine oli omaette teema, tegelikult oli plaan kanda midagi punast (hiina õnnevärv), proovisin ca. 15 punast kleiti... kuniks avardasime värvivalikut suures lootusetuses ning siis leidsimegi selle iluduse :)
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