Saabusin pühapäeval ilusti kell 11 hommikul ning oh imet, pagas kaduma ei läinudki! Värske õhk mõjus ilmselt väga virgutavalt, sest peale kohvrite lahtipakkimise sain veel KErtiga ka kokku, et ta sadamasse ära saata ning õhtul Marisega Stroomi rannas pisut uut cruiseboardi katsetada. Kodus on tore!
Arrived on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. to Estonia and what do you know, my suitcases didn't go missing! Fresh air must have had a good effect on me, since besides unpacking I met up with Kerti, sent her off to the port and went to testride my cruiseboard to the beachside. Good to be home!
Always so fun with her!
Maris picked me berries from her own garden!
Most beautiful sunsets
Learned to appreciate blue skies. No pollution here!
I was so tired by 10 p.m. so that's when I went to bed. Time difference is still screwing with my brain tho, so I woke up at 5 a.m. Not complaining tho, I got to see the most wonderful sunrise over a long long time from my own window!
Breakfast at home, at a normal table, with normal milk products (rjaaženka + curd cheese combo with a side of berries and bananas). Bliss!
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