Thursday, August 26, 2010

I promise, that one day, everything's going to be better for you.

This is just weird... these last days of summer and holidays... I haven't used my brain for three months now and when a friend of mine started talking about taking a physics test today, well... i got a head-ache :D
Tomorrow me and my firends are gonna make a little surprise and sing to a person we know (haha, it's a secret, cause it's a surprise :D) at a fancy hotel restaurant. Wee, we get to dress up!
Yesterday i also watched "Donnie Darko". What a great movie! A bit twisted and it has a nice creepy feeling, plus i loved that it was about school and students (gets me to that "back to school mood). If you'd like to see some other weird movies, i would recommend for you "Bad boy Bubby". I watched some clips from it and well... disturbing is the right word.

And damn it, i lost my phone!?! I hope i left it at work...

shu (2)
shu (3)
Striped shirt, black leggings and khaki parka - H&M; Tank underneath - New Yorker; Shoes - Vagabond

See on lihtsalt kummaline... Suve viimased päevad ja vaheaja lõpp. Ma pole oma ajusid nii umbes kolm kuud kasutanud ning kui eile hakkas üks sõps füüsika töö tegemisest rääkima, hakkas mu pea valutama :D
Homme teen sõpradega ühele tuttavale üllatuse ning me kavatseme ühes peenes hotelli restoranis talle laulda - jeei, me saame end ilusti üles lüüa!
Eile vaatasin ka "Donnie Darko"t. Ülihea film! Natuke twisted ning mõnusalt pahaendelise olustikuga film, muidugi meeldis ka see, et see rääkis ka koolist ja kooliõpilastest (haha, annab selle "tagasi kooli" tunde :D). Kui tahate veel veidraid filme vaadata, siis võin soovitada ka "Bad Boy Bubby"t, vaatasin selle klippe ning nohh... häiriv.

Ja kurat võtaks, mu telefon on kadunud?!? Tõsiselt loodan, et jätsin selle tööle...


Alena said...

Like your jacket :)

Karolina said...

I love your shoes, in Vagabond I can always find some nice pair : ) xx

Kriss said...

Thanks :) I'm still so uber-happy about my shoes

Anonymous said...

omg your shoes are killers! awesome!

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