Monday, May 2, 2011


Been waiting so long to wear this corset thingy, though it's constantly too cold. So i'm eagerly waiting for summer to finally arrive. *sigh*
Ohyeah, tomorrow's the national exam in english. Have i prepared? My plan was to read some books in english and maybe do some grammar excercises, but it actually ended up with me procrastinating and watching stupid shows on the internet. Atleast they were in english, haha. Now i wrote some connective devices down, i hope they will come in handy tomorrow. And now i seriously need some sleep, 'cause after the exam i have to work 'til 10.30 p.m. (if we're lucky and there aren't much dishes to wash).
Corset - H&M, Jeggings - Bershka


Kadi said...

Kõlab küll pisut nilbena aga mulle meeldib, et sa nii peenike oled. Sind justkui ei olekski :)

Kriss said...

phahhha, ma siis vist tänan? :D

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