Friday, May 20, 2011

Outside in the cold distance

Ok, these photos almost cost me my camera. A tripod has three legs, use 'em all, don't try to get away with using only two of them. So anyways, my camera works fine, but the corpus is holding on to a few screws and it looks kinda shaky, so... More motivation for me to save up some money on a real DSLR.
Had a hectic morning today which ended with a nice lazy afternoon sunbathing. Mmhm, good. Weekend will consist of some work and maybe some creative outings, dunno yet.

+ohwow - as a really pale person, I'm happy to see, that on the first photo I actually look tanned. Or maybe it's a shadow. Whatever, don't be a killjoy.

Ok, need fotod läksid mulle peaagu mu digika maksma. Tähendab, jätame meelde : statiivil on kolm jalga, kasuta neid kõiki ja ära ürita vaid kahega hakkama saada. Digikas töötab küll, kuid selle korpus püsib küll ausõna ja mingi kahe kruvi küljes kinni, kogu see asi näeb kuidagi ebastabiilne välja, nii et... Seda enam on motivatsiooni peegelkaamera jaoks raha koguda.
Hommik oli liiga närvesööv ning sellele järgnes meeldivalt laisk pärastlõuna päikest võttes. Mhmm, hea. Nädalavahetusel ootab töö ja ilmselt ka mõnest loomingulisemast momendist, pole veel kindel.

+ ohjee - väga kahvatu isikuna on mul rõõm näha, et esimesel fotol paistab mu päevitus välja. Või on see vari. Misiganes, ära ole rõõmurikkuja.

Jimi Hendrix - All Along the Watchtower

In the mood of psychedelic rock today.


Andie said...

gotta love jimi hendrix! and these photos are amazing! you should totally get a DLSR! but that doesnt mean you can mistreat your camera in the mean time hahaha

Kriss said...

haha, I promise to be nice to my camera :D Thanks!

Carlos said...

You look really tanned on the first one :D also the second I think!

I wanted to ask you, how is Tallinn? what can I do there? haha I am in Helsinki in almost three weeks and wanted to go to Tallinn too, as Stockholm would be too expensive!

Kriss said...

Ooh, that's great news! Well, idk, Tallinn is Europe's capital city of culture this year, so there should be some interesting things on the program. As you are interested in photography, i would recommend visiting the art museum KUMU (and along the way walk through the wonderful park of Kadriorg). The old town is also remarkable with it's interesting architecture. The rooftop cinema is also pretty interesting (open air cinema in the middle of the city on the roof of a shopping mall, shows great movies and ofc the view is superb! + great during the white nights in Scandinavia). And the beach season should start in june, though the water is still cold during that time... But since you live in Munich and far away from the real sea... well, it should be exciting anyways :) Idk, what are you interested in?

Carlos said...

Wow! Thank you :) Well I will defenitely then go to this museum, hope I can stay in Tallinn for one night, otherwise I would just have 6 hours there haha :'D
Yeah, I am already excited about seeing the sea in the north without being covered by ice! I was already in Helsinki twice, but both times I was there around March/April!

Well I would be also really interested about seeing the old town, I've heard Tallinn is well known for its architecture there. Wanna guide me around? haha ;)

And of course, as you can imagine, I wanna take a lot of pictures!

Kriss said...

Ugh, we just had visitors from Switzerland in April - really the worst time to visit Estonia or Finland! It's darn cold and grey and ugly here, but June and summer are super great here! Haha, we'll see about the guiding thing :D

Carlos said...

Hahaha, but still it was always lovely being there around that time :) But can't wait for finnish summer!
yeah, just contact me by mail, if you feel like that :) Just would love to meet new people around the world :)

Carlos said...

*edit: uh wow, just saw your comment haha. And I am quiet impressed by your German! I several times saw you were writing something about German exams, but couldnt imagine your German is that good!

Der arme Knut :( Obwohl ich ihn nie gesehen habe! Ich war noch nie im Berliner Zoo aber so oft in Berlin... Sollte ich vielleicht doch mal in den Zoo gehen ;)
Und, Berlin ist sehr groß, ja! Aber ich verlaufe mich eigentlich dort nie, außer am Potsdamer Platz. Da verlaufe ich mich immer bei der U-Bahn Station!

Kriss said...

Haha, danke, hab' schon 11 Jahre Deutsch gelernt, sollte schon etwas sprechen können, oder? :D

Carlos said...

Oh, schon 11 Jahre? Sehr gut :)
Warum schreibe ich dann überhaupt Englisch? haha ;)

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