Saturday, November 26, 2011

Out and about

Linna peatänav jõuluehteis. // Main street with christmas decorations.
Üritasin end kaks päeva kodus ravida, nüüd sain üle pika aja jälle majast välja, nii hea oli. Käisin kursaõega ülikoolihoones õppimas, sest kodus ma lihtsalt ei oska õppida (hehe, tähelepanuhäired). // Tried to get better and stayed home for two days, now I finally got out of the house, it was so good! Went to the uni with my coursemate and studied, since I suck at studying at home (hehe, can you sense some procrastination here?).
Nüüd seisan dilemma ees, kas minna hiljem pittu või ei. Pole nagu ammu kuskil korralikult käinud ja vahva oleks. Samas on õues torm (appi, mis vabandus :D). Eeem, vaatab. Kuid olen üsna kindel, et koju jäämisega ei kaasne midagi produktiivset, might as well go out and socialize. // Currently trying to decide, whether to go out tonight or not. On the one hand, I haven't been out for a long time and I think it would be fun. On the other hand of course, there's a storm outside (what the... is this a considerable excuse?). Eem, we'll see. Though I'm pretty sure, that staying home won't result in anything productive anyways, so might as well go out and socialize.

Dose - Girls of Fire interlude

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