Friday, December 2, 2011


Kohe, kui blogimisse paar päeva vahet jääb, hakkab kostuma murelikke hüüdeid, et "kus on pildid, kus on uus postitus?". Ilmselt peaksin meelitatud olema :) Hehe, aga ausalt, hetkel on pisut hektilised ajad ning prioriteediks on õppimine. Niisiis, minu tänane pärastlõuna nägi välja selline:
As soon as there appears a longer break from me blogging, people start to ask me "are there any new photos, where's the new post?". I should probably be flattered by this? :) Hehe, but to be honest, we kinda have some hectic times here and my no. 1 priority is studying. So yeah, this is how my afternoon looked like:
Justnimelt. Okupeerisin laua ülikooli raamatukogus, tirisin oma hiina keele õpiku välja ja vihtusin paar tundi hieroglüüfe kirjutada. Termosetäis kohvi on truu seltsiline ning ülimõnsa on see, et hanzide trükkimise ajal saab vabalt muusikat kuulata (no nt mikroökonoomika või organizational behaviouri õpikut niimoodi lugeda ei saaks ju). 
Ja seekord võtsin asja tõsisemalt ette, kui eelmise eksami korral (sest nüüd tuleb meelde tuletada vanu hieroglüüfe ja ka uusi, oujee). Ma loobusin isegi tänasest (või oli see homme?) kursuse jõulupeost (kessekurat enne eksameid jõulupidusid korraldab? :(
Nii et nädalavahetus on väga kodune.

That's right. I occupied a desk at the uni library for a couple of hours, got my chinese stuff out and started writing. A termos full of hot coffee is a trusty companion at moments like this and the best part is, I can listen to some music while writing hanzis (I mean, it's very helpful to listen to some music while reading microeconomics or organizational behaviour).
But this time I'm really taking it seriously (the old hanzis need to be revised and of course, learn the new ones by heart). I even gave up the Christmas dinner of our course, which is tonight/tomorrow (?). I mean seriously, who organizes Christmas parties BEFORE the exams? :( 
So yeah. This weekend will be spent home.
reede (5)
Jepp, täitsa kodune on juba olla. 

Yeah, just like home already.
Jee, meil avati uisuplats otse silla ja sadama juures! Eile õhtuhämaruses sellest möödudes vaatasin, et nii ilus ja puha, aga täna pärastlõunal oli see täiesti tühi. Ja muidugi ei põlenud jõulutulukesed ka, mis puudele on riputatud. Sellist asja juhtub ainult siis, kui ma fotoka kaasa võtan...
Olgu, see pole viimane kord, kui sealt möödun, nii et varsti näete seda täies võlus! Ning ma luban, et proovin sinna uisutama ka jõuda!

Yay, a skating-rink has been opened near the bridge! It was so pretty yesterday, when it was dark already - there were a lot of people skating and these little christmas lights on the trees were so shiny and pretty! And today, just when I took my camera with me, the rink was empty and the lights were off... 
But I promise I'll take a better photo of it next time, so you can see it in all it's magic! And I'll most deffinetly try skate there, too!

Jõulupuu on püsti! Ning ei kavatse kuskile ümber kukkuda. Haha, leedukad ja lätlased juba käisid irvitamas, et mis meie Tallinna jõulupuuga küll lahti on :D

We have our Christmas tree! And it's not gonna fall over, like the Christmas tree in Tallinn did - twice already! Haha, the lithuanians and latvians were already joking about our drunk Christmas tree in Tallinn :D
Botaanikanurk: kas on tõesti normaalne, et need roosinupud, mis seal ilmselt juba minu saabudes olid, on ka detsembris põõsa küljes? Peaks järgmine kord näppima, et kas õied on ikka päris... Annan teada, kui kaua need seal küljes vastu peavad.
Nonii, aga nüüd jätkan oma mõnusa õpinguõhtuga. Hanzide kirjutamist saadab "Meeleheitel koduperenaiste" maraton - ausalt, mõnus on niimoodi õppida :)

Botanical section of my blog: is it normal, that these roses have been there since August, when I arrived here? In December? Next time I should test somehow, wheter they are real... I'll let you know, how long these roses will last!
And now I'll get back to my studying. It's so fun that I can practice writing hanzis and have a "Desperate Housewives" marathon simultaneously! Studying made less boring :)

(I wrote the first sentence myself, haha, it's really primitive, but I'm  still so proud of myself! The other one needed a bit help from Google Translate, since I didn't know the verb.)


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