Monday, June 18, 2012


 Eilne õhtusöök. Mmmm, laisa inimese toit - viska kõike head-paremat kokku ja saad salati.
Yesterdays dinner. Food of the lazy people, just throw all the good stuff together and you get a salad.

Jõudsin koju ning samal hetkel hakkas täiega sadama. Isegi äike möllas. Mõnna.
Just got home and it started literally pouring. Even some thunder. Niiiice.
Ananass ühes tükis...
Pineapple in one piece...
... ja ananass mitmes tükis (küünevärv match'ib ananassiga, good one).
... and in many little pices (and my nailpolish matches with the pineapple, good one).

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