Sunday, August 19, 2012

Burst of Clarity

xxyyxx - letter 23

Jah, aega läks nende piltide ülespanekuga - sel nädalal pole väga jõudnud netis ja üleüldse arvutis istuda, sagimist ja tegevust jätkub.
Reedel ja laupäeval käisin lausa rannas, paistab, et sel aastal viimane kord? Laupäeval vedas lausa nii, et sain ka meres veel ujuda ning päiksel oli veel nii palju jõudu, et suve lõpu puhul mõnus jume mulle kinkida. 
Samal ööl käisime linna peal trippimas, üks tuttav leidis nimelt ehtsa 80'datest pärit Eestis tehtud rula ning kruisisime sellega veidike ringi. Aahh, suveööd.
Aga siit tulevad nüüd pildid!
It took a little time to upload these photos, since I haven't gotten really much chances to surf the web or get behind my computer during this whole week - so much going on.
Went to the beahc on both Friday and Saturday, I guess for the last time this year? I was lucky enough on Saturday, the water was warm so I could actually swim in the sea and the sun was kind enough to  present me with a nice tan before the summer ends.
We also went out on that same night to trip around in the city and cruise on a real vintage skateboard from the 80's a friend found. Oh yeah, these wonderful summernights.
And now it's time for the photos!




Evia said...

Colorful and magical.Charming works :)
Your new follower via bloglovin' Evia

Christina Solovjova said...

Your photos are amazing *___*

Christina Klein

Zyaka said...

nice blog, maybe we can follow each other? :)

Unknown said...

wonderful pictures :) and your so pretty in this dress *_*
in btw nice blog you have here, dear. keep up the work and feel free
to check out the latest post on my fashionblog as well, if you like. :)


Kriss said...

Rebekah, that's all really nice, but it's not me on these photos :D But I'll let my friend know about the compliment :D

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