Nagu juba mainisin, käisime eile Relliga pildistamas ning lõpuks suutsin mingi osa pildihunnikust ära töödelda - seega tulemused on nüüd siin :)
We went shooting with Reelika yesterday and finally I managed to process some of the photos from the huuuuge bunch we made - so here are the results!
Mul oli tuju teha nii külmemates kui ka soojemates toonides töötlust, nüüd on siis see teine variant tulekul (rohkem sügisemaigulised).
I had this need to make some in colder and others in warmer tones, so now it's turn for the second bunch to come up (and these have more of an autumn feeling to them).
Ja üks dramaatiline must-valge ka... just because I want one.
And one in b&w just because I really wanted to have one.
Üldiselt oli reede väga produktiivne päev, päeval käisin šoppamas, pärastlõunal Relliga pildistamas ning taaskord šoppamas, sest paar asja jäid mind ikka kummitama. Eriti rahul olen eile soetatud talvemantliga - mul oli tõepoolest uut tarvis ning eilne ost tõotab üht soojas veedetud talve.
Õhtul käisin leedukate/slovakkide pool tinti panemas (haha, Kerti väljend, mis mind alati naerma ajab). No tegelikult kuulasime lihtsalt vanakooli rokki ja muud head paremat, tšillisime Sonderborgi ühe parima asukohaga korteri akna peal ning jälgisime peatänaval toimuvat melu. Eile oli nimelt Night-time shopping ehk siis poed olid südaööni lahti, rahvas möllas, tänavatel olid muusikud, söögiletid ning kõige kohal säras täiskuu. Öine idüll
Täna ja homme tööl, lisaks peaks kordki asjalik olema ning õppima... But first, let me procrastinate some more.
Friday was a really productive day, went shopping during the daytime, in the afternoon we had this shoot with Reelika and went shopping again, since some things I saw earlier started haunting me and I kinda had to get them. I'm especially thrilled for the wintercoat I got - I totally needed one and my new one makes me think, it's gonna be a winter without freezing my butt off.
In the evening I went to the lithuanians/slovaks place for some wine&beer. Now imagine listening to old-school rock, chilling on the window of one of the best positioned apartments in Sonderborg and just absorbing the excitement coming from the mainstreet below you. There was this night-time shopping yesterday so te stores were open 'til midnight, people were strolling around, live music on the streets, foodtents and all of that was accompanied by full moon in the sky above. Such a cool night.
Working this weekend, also should get myself together and stop neglecting my school work... but first, let me procrastinate a bit more.
1 comment
So pretty, love the first color theme.
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