Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Done with my first exam! Wehaa! 

And to celebrate the upcoming holidays, the rest of the day was spent on a quick trip to Wudaokou for coffee (and buying a new selfie stick, as the previous one broke... Never buy one from a random stall!), Chinese class, bleaching my white Nikes in order to preserve their white shade in current conditions and a night ride around Wudaokou for these photos. So exciting, indeed.
Esimese eksamiga ühel pool, wehaa!
Ja et eelseisvat puhkusenädalat tähistada, sisustasin ülejäänud päeva Wudaokous kohvitades (ning uut selfie stick'i ostes... eelmine läks katki, noh, nii ikka juhtub, kui suvalisest putkast osta hah), hiina keele tundides, valgendades oma valgeid Nike'isid, et nende toon sama puhas püsiks praegustes tingimustes ning väikses öises rattaretkes Wudaokou kandis, kust need pildid ka pärit on. Nii sisukas ja põnev, tõepoolest noh.
Roasting Chestnuts at Wudaokou
Street food
Newspaper guy
We're going home

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