Sunday, January 17, 2016

So Many Details

 After a half as year in Beijing - now I've also been to the Central Business District! That's basically the area of Beijing with all the skyscrapers and the (in)famous CCTV tower, which the locals like to call "Big Box Pants" (cause the tower looks like a pair of pants, tho you can't really tell by the photo here).
Peale umbes poolt aastat Pekingis suutsin end lõpuks Central Business District'isse vedada. See on Pekingi ärikeskus, mis eristub ülejäänud linnast suure arvu pilvelõhkujate poolest. Seal asub ka (kuri)kuulus CCTV torn,  mida kohalikud tunnevad nime järgi "Kantpüksid" (sest torn näeb välja, nagu paar pükse, kuigi sellelt pildilt pole seda eriti näha).

I finally set up an account on Taobao (like local Ebay, but better and faster delivery) and one of my first purchases was this step-counter by Xiaomi. It was delivered to me in less than 24h - not bad, would've been faster, but I wasn't home the first time the delivery guy was around. 
Xiaomi tho - it's often-times compared to Apple. Their tech is pretty innovative and relatively cheap - this armband cost me 10€ and it works like a dream. Measures tour daily activity, your sleep cycles and needs to be charged only once a month.
Sain lõpuks oma Taobao konto korda (nagu kohalik Ebay, aga parem ja kiirema kohaletoimetamisega) ja üks mu esimesi oste oli see sammuloendur Xiaomilt. Sain selle vähem kui 24h pärast kätte ja oleksin tegelikult varemgi saanud, aga ma polnud kulleri esimese saabumise ajal kodus. 
Xiaomi - tegemist on ühe innovatiivseima start-up'iga Hiinas, mida tihti võrreldakse Apple'iga. See käevõru läks maksma ca 10€ ning see aitab ülevaadet hoida päevasel aktiivsusel, unetsüklitel ja aku peab vastu ca kuu aega. 

 Went to Veggie Table next to Lama Temple to celebrate Anna-Lisa's b-day. Veggie table is an all-vegan restaurant, no MSG, organic veggies etc. Love that place!
Käisime Veggie Table'is Anna-Lisa sünnipäeva tähistamas. Tegeist on Lama templi läheduses oleva vegan restoga, mis ei kasuta MSG'd ja kus valdav enamus kasutatavatest toorainetest on ökod. Super koht!
 Hot cocktails after that to warm up in this cold Beijing weather
Kuumad kokteilid peale seda, et külmas Pekingi talves veidikenegi sooja saada
 Always in da hutongs

I'd been planning on purchasing a film-camera for a while now - a friend of mine recommended this  little shop called Spring Cameras.  They have an impressive selection of polaroid cameras, old DSLR cameras, point-and-shoot cameras... oh boy, good stuff! And the staff was so helpful! I left the shop with a Minolta point-and-shoot and a roll of film all for 135 RMB, so I consider it a good purchase. Pays off  having my own camera rather than buying a disposable camera each time (+environmentally better!). Also, it's perfect for those random party photos - won't be sad, if something happens to the camera!
Mul mõlkus juba tükk aega mõtetes plaan osta endale filmifotokas - sõbranna soovitas poekest nimega Spring Cameras. Selles pisikesed hutongi-poekeses on muljetavaldav valik vanu polaroid-kaameraid, peegelkaameraid ja point-and-shoot'e. Müüjad olid mega-abivalmid ja lahkusin ühe vana Minoltaga ning filmirulliga, kokku läks ca 135 RMB'd maksma. Super variant lambikate peopiltide tegemiseks, fotokat on lihtne kaasas kanda ja kui sellega peaks midagi juhtuma, siis pole midagi hullu kah.

Cafe Zarah, soy milk coffee and attempts to read "Old Man and the Sea" in Chinese. Oh boy.
Peatus Cafe Zarah's, sojapiima kohv ja katse lugeda Hemingway'd hiina keeles. "Vanamees ja meri" ehk 老人与海.

Met up with Vee and Megan later and we went to see Toro Y Moi perform at Yugong Yishan. Awesome show!
Hiljem sain Vee ja Meganiga kokku ning läksime Toro Y Moi kontserdile Yugong Yishanis, mis oli kõigest megalahe.

 I'm really good at random bizarre coincidences. So apparently, Megan knew the boys of Toro Y Moi from back in high school - they're all from South Carolina. So that meant we got to hang out with the band after the show and we took the bass player, Patrick, to Dada Bar. They're all so cool and down to earth, was an absolute pleasure meeting them!
Kuidagimoodi leiab mu elus aset palju naljakaid kokkusattumusi. Sel korral tuli välja, et Megan teab Toro Y Moi kutte keskkooli ajast - nad kõik on pärit South Carolina'st. Nii et peale kontserti saime bändiga backstage'is hängida ja viisime bassisti, Patricku, Dada Bar'i. Nad on kõik megalahedad ja üldse oli vahva nendega päriselus kohtuda (ja õlle juua haha).

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