Monday, April 26, 2010

He's the one who likes all our pretty songs

I promised, i'll show some of the things i bought.. Well, it really wasn't anything special. Just a simple white tank top, colored leggings (they have that "stained" effect, but it's not really clear on the photo), a grey silky cardigan and a creamy hand bag with a shoulder strap (that's my fav one!). And there's also a little shoulder bag with snake pattern, but i forgot to make a picture of it, so maby some other time... And no accesories this time!

Lubasin, et näitan paar asja, mida ostsin... Noh, seda ei olnud just palju, kõigest valge lihtne maika, värvitud retuusid (neil on selline "plekiline" effekt, aga seda pole fotol näha), hall siidine kampsik ja kreemikas-pruun käekott õlapaelaga (minu lemmik-ost!). On ka üks pisike maonaha mustriga õlakotike, aga sellest unustasin pilti tehs, mõni teine kord. Ja sel korral aksessuaare ei ostnudki!

New Stuff

I bet the coolest thing, that i bought was "Dirty Blonde", Courtney Love's outtakes of her personal diary. Since i reallyreally love Nirvana, this find was simply amazing! And it was a real bargain: only 3 euros (sale) !!!

Dirty Blonde

Ilmselt kõige lahedam ost oli aga Courtney Love'i "Dirty Blonde", ehk siis tema autobiograafia, mis koosneb ta isikliku päeviku väljavõtetest. Olles Nirvana suursuur austaja, oli see leid minu arust suurepärane! Ning see oli vastupandamatult odav: 3 eurot (allahindlus) !!!

kurt and frances

courtney's book

Courtney & Kurt


helina. said...

niilahe kott :d

W said...

tõesti üks hea leid, courtney love, iMean

Kriss said...

Pean mõlemaga nõustuma :)

Margret said...

3 eurot say whaaaaaaaaaat+!?


Kriss said...

Päris ebanormaalne hind, Eestis saaks selle eest ühe reklaame täis topitud Cosmopolitani osta... :D

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