Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ready, Set, Go

That's right, i'm home again. To be honest, i'm not very excited about the whole trip and the Rostock University, that the trip was supposed to promote. I mean, the point was to inform us about the possibilites in Rostock University and the different faculties and how the lessons look like... Well, to me, it seemed like a rip-off, but ok, no biggie :D Rostock was bheautiful and the people nice :)
Oh, and sorry, but i didn't take much photos, since it was kinda cold there and i didn't wan't to take my mittens off. And i also didn't buy much clothes, 'cause we didn't have much spare time. Well, actually i'm kinda happy about it, because this means, i still have 75 spare euros!
Since i got a little sick from the whole trip, i'm not going to school tomorrow, i need some rest...


On my way to Rostock, spending time with estonian writer Tammsaare


The "Rotkäppchen" was pretty good, didn't like the Bongeronde.


Kidding around in Rostock

Jeap, mina siin, jälle kodus. Ning ma pole eriti vaimustuses sellest reisist ning Tostocki Ülikoolist, mida reis promoma pidi. Mõte oli ju informeerida meid Rostocki Ülikooli võimalustest, erinevatest teaduskondadest ning sellest, kuidas tunnid/loengud välja näevad... Oleks nagu tünksi saanud, aga olgu, pole hullu :D Rostock oli ilus ja inimesed kenad :)
Ning kahjuks ei teinud ma palju pilte, sest õues oli külm ning ma ei soovinud eriti pildistamiseks käpikuid käest võtta. Riideid ei ostnud ka eriti, sest šopingu aega oli vähe - kuigi tegelikult on 75 eurot, mis üle jäid, ka väga kasulikud.
Kuna ma sain mõnusasti külma Rostockis, siis homme kooli ei lähe, puhkust on ka vaja...

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