Monday, June 13, 2011

you hide, I’ll seek

4 a.m. in the morning
My dress - in the making

Last week was a blast - ok, so school is over, i got some of my results for the exams... some of them are pretty impressive :) We had fun with my classmates, went to see "Hangover II", met some random germans and we spent their last night in Tallinn with just fooling around in the city (and it was soooo fantastic to walk home at 4 a.m. in the morning, no kidding, the sun was already rising!). After that night i had to go to work - 4 days in a row. It was really hardcore, now I'm just chillaxing at home and resting my feet. New week, new plans and places to go!

Eelmine nädal oli superfun - kool on läbi, mõned eksamitulemused on käes ja osad on täitsa muljetavaldavad ;) Käisime klassikaaslastega linnas tähistamas, vaatasime kinos "Phmakas II", tutvusime random sakslastega ning veetsime nende viimase öö Tallinna linna peal lustides (ja kell 4 hommikul on üksi koju minna niii mõnus, ilma naljata, päike tõuseb ning täitsa julge on olla). Peale seda ööd pidin tööle minema ning ees ootas 4 päeva pikkune töötsükkel. Päris karm elamus, nüüd on hea kodus jalgu puhata. Aga nüüd - uus nädal, uued plaanid!

P.S. Canon or Nikon?!?!

The Kickdrums - Animal
My new discovery and love!


Jonna said...

Wonderful pictures! And if you mean that which is better camera Canon or Nikon, so I have to say Canon, because I have Canon EOS 1000D and I like it very much and it's easy to use :)

Kriss said...

Well, I have made my decision soooo... you'll probably hear about it :)

A Blog by Kriss. All rights reserved. © Maira Gall.