Sunday, April 22, 2012

Everyday is like Sunday

Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday 

Absoluutselt parim viis päeva alustamiseks on hommikusörk! Eriti nüüd, mil väljas läheb aina soojemaks ja rohelisemaks! 6 km läbimine pole kunagi nii lihtsana tundunud.
Absolutely best way to start a day is going for a morning jog! Especially now, when it's getting warmer and greener outside! Passing 6 km like this is easy-peasy.

SUUR tass kohvi lisaks ning väike blogituur - jah, üsnagi perfektne hommik.
A HUGE cup of coffee and a tour around blogs - yep, sounds like a perfect morning to me.
Downtown'i oli ka asja, aga kohe kiskus vihmale, nii et pikalt trippida ei saanudki. 
I planned a trip to downtown, but it didn't last long, since it started raining.
Ahah, ma sain lõpuks teada, mis puuga tegemist - see on magnoolia.
I finally got to know how this tree is calles - it's a magnolia.

Võrratut pühapäeva jätku!
Wishing a wonderful Sunday to everyone!

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