Monday, April 23, 2012

Morning tea & afternoon rain

Mazzy Star - Fade Into You

Kerti proovis neid küpsiseid jrgi teha, mis paar päeva varem küpsetasin. Ta järgis retsepti vaat et veel täpsemini, kui mina, aga mingi ime läbi tulid need kardinaalselt teise maitsega välja... Go figure. Ise läksin ka kokkamislainele eile ning üritasin megatervislikke rukki-kaera-kookose pätsikesi teha. Uute maiuste leiutamine on ootamatult fun, ehk näete hiljem isegi retsepte.
Kerti made these cookies yesterday which I had made on Friday. She followed the recepy, even more thoroughly than me, but somehow they tasted totally differently... Go figure. I got in a baking-mood also and tried to invent some mega-healthy rye-oatmeal-coconut cookie-bites. Creating new sweets was fun, so you may expect some new recepies here someday.
Bipolaarne ilm oli, kord päike ja seejärel padukas (mille kätte ise ka jäin, jee).
Päeva õppetund: ürita iga hinna eest vältida Taani hambaarsti juurde minekut. Teenindus on supervahva, aga pisiasja eest küsitakse ulmesummasid (a la brekude traadi hammaste külge tagasikleepimine). True story. 
We had bipolar weather today - one moment super-sunny, then super-rainy (which I also experienced).
Lesson of the day: try to avoid going to Danish dentists. The service is superb, but the bills are ridiculous, even for the tiniest things (like glueing that loose retainer back to your teeth). True story. 

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