Sunday, May 6, 2012

First week of May

Omaigaad, palun jääge juba pähe...
Oh god, why can't these things just memorize themselves in my scalp...
Woooo, salajased Sonderborgi nurgakesed.
Woo, Sonderborg's secret spots.

Kevad täies hoos.
Spring in full bloom.
Njom, puuviljasalat.
Njom, fruit-salad.
Mõtlesime, et teeks ühisfoto, kus naeratame ka.
Thought we'd make a photo of us smiling.

Sharing is caring.
Peaaegu kõik pildil. V.a. paar inimest, kes üritasid lõket teha... tühjendades pool süütevedeliku pudelist ning praktiseerides tulejumala tantsu. 
Toidust sel õhtul pilti ei teinud, sest süsi oskab igaüks ise ette kujutada.
Almost everyone on the photo. Except a few people who were trying to make some fire... by emptying like half of the bottle of lighter fluid and doing some strange fire-ignition dance.
Didn't make any photos of food that evening, since everyone can imagine coal by themselves.


Nii, goddammit, kolmapäeval on hiina keele eksam. Goddammit, peaks jälle õppima asuma. 
Goddammit, chinese exam is on Wednesday already. Goddammit, I should get back to studying.

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