Friday, May 4, 2012

You watching me watching you

William Fitzsimmons - Goodmorning (Pink Ganter Remix)


Reede, riigipüha Taanis, vaba päev. Terve nädala jagu oli lõõskavat päikest, kuid siis pidin loengutes eeskujulikult käima. Ja nüüd siis... on küll soe, aga päikest pole, nii et ma ei saa taaskord päikest. 
Eile kirjutasin nii neli tundi hanzisid koolis (haha, vahelduva eduga, sest Vestina näitas Elmo song'i ja seejärel oli meil leedu tüdrukutega suur piknik kuklite ja hallitusjuustuga). Seejärel käisime Kerti, Miriami ja Michelle'iga pangas ja uues korteris asjatamas. Ja siis sõitsime randa Michelle'i ja Kertiga küpsema (täisriietes, nii et ikka ei saanud päikest). Vaatasime, et taani noortel siinpäris hea elu, käivad skuutritega meres rallitamas (isegi fotol on näha paremas nurgas). Khm, nii soe ka päris pole, aga olgu. 
Vaba reede, hommikujooks ja pisike jooga tehtud, päikest pole... perfect time to study.

So it's Friday, a national holiday in Denmark and a day off. There was a whole week of perfect summer weather, when I had to go to lectures like a good student should do. And now... ok, it's warm, but where did the sun go? I guess I'm not destined to get a tan.
Wrote 4 hours of hanzis yesterday at uni (though Vestina showed me Elmo songs at times and then we had a picnic with cheese and buns with lithuanian girls, so 4 hours didn't involve massive studying). Then ran some errands with Kerti, Miriam and Michelle concergning our new apartment and some banking things. And then we went to the beach and watched enviously as the danes were riding with their waterscooters. Wouldn't say it's that warm, but oh well.
So, a free Friday, did my morning jog and yoga, no sun in sight... perfect time to study. 

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