Thursday, June 7, 2012

All around me are familiar faces

Niia - Mad World

Kerts tegi jälle kooki. 
Once again, Kerti made a cake.

Veider, kui pole loenguid... ajataju kaob täiesti ära. Eile olin terve päeva kodus ja üritasin mitmeid kordi õppima asuda ning pidin korterikaaslastelt mitu korda üle küsima, mis päev on.
 Nüüd nädal hiljem saan juba öelda ka, et olgugi, et mul pole endiselt hädavajalikku mööbit (voodi, kapid, peeglid... hetkel magan madratsil) ja pesumasin, mida eile keldris tahtsime testida, keeldus töötamast (ja meie pesu on endiselt seal sees, sest kallasime targa peaga selle pesuvedelikuga üle)... ma olen niiiiii rahul ja rõõmus ja õnnelik meie uued kodus :) Nii hea atmosfäär & korterikaaslased :) Me bondime ja klapime nii hästi! 
 Lähiajal on tulekul vist palju head (alustuseks juba sellega, et peale homset on eksamitega finiiiiito ja ma olen on summerbreak). 
It's so strange, when there are no lectures, I completely lack sense of time. Stayed home yesterday and had to ask my flatmates multiple times, what day is it. 
Now, after more than a week in our new flat I'm glad to say that, altough I still lack some furniture (hmm, a bed, some closets, a mirror... still sleeping on an airmattress) and the washing machine seems to be kaputt (and our stuff is still inside, since we drizzled it with cleaning liquid, so guess we need to do it by hand now), I'm still so happy to live here! The atmosphere and the flatmates are wonderful, we've bonded so well!
I have a feeling, there's something good coming our way (starting with tomorrow, when I can officially go on summerbreak after my last exam).

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