Grimes - Genesis
Fotod on viimasest Eesti-päevast pärit, alles nüüd tuli mingi idee, mida nendega ette võtta. Pfsht, kõigest kuu aega hiljem.
Täna passisin peale loenguid 5 tundi ülikoolis. Algne plaan oli ajalugu lugeda, aga 25st lehest suutsin kõigest 5ga toime tulla. Ülejäänud aja skaipisin Indoneesias resideeruva sõbrantsiga, käisin ülikooli peal inimestega juttu ajamas ja konverentsidelt kooki näppamas ("ahjahh, totally põnev konverents on *mnomnmon*").
Oh produktiivsus, sa valisid väga halva aja mu hülgamiseks - järgmisel nädalal on hiina keele mid-term eksamid, nii et pole väga aega looderdada.
Photos are from my last day spent in Estonia, but only today I got some sort of an idea, what to do with this batch. Psfht, only a month later.
Hung out at uni for 5 hours after lectures today. The initial plan was to read them 27 pages of history for tomorrow, but I only managed to get through 5 pages, since most of the time I was skyping with a friend residing currently in Indonesia, walked around uni, chatted with people and stole cake from conferences held there ("oooh, this is totally the most interesting conference I've ever been to *omnomnom*")
Oh, productivity, you've chosen the wrong time to abandon me - there's this chinese mid-term exam coming up next week, so I don't really have the time to slack off now.
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