Jeremih - F*ck U All The Time Ft. Natasha Mosley (Shlohmo Remix)
Kiire sissekanne enne kolme hiina keele loengut :)
Basically hommikujooks tehtud (ning samal ajal ka õunaraksus käidud - tee peale jäi pisike kellegi aiaääres, mille all olid niiiiiii ilusad pommid õunad, pistsin taskud õunu täis ja jooksin edasi pokerface'iga :D oh seda tudengielu), kohv kurgust alla kulistatud, natuke makroõpikut lugenud... Ja makro tundub tõepoolest huvitav olevat, peab lõpuks omaenda eksemplari Amazon'ist ära tellima. Kunagi.
Lähipäevil kavatsen spordiklubiga liituda. Mulle jääb lihtsalt jooksmisest kuidagi väheks ning bodypump'i trennidest tunnen ka puudust. Bodyattack'i tahaks ka lõpuks ära näha.
Kerti tuli eile Hispaaniast rohkete reisi- ja veinimuljetega tagasi ning lisas meie külmkapile magnetid Madridist ja Leonist (veel on meil magnet Eestist, Indoneesiast ja veel kuskilt palmisaarelt, lisaks postkaart Itaaliast... kogume sinna reisisuveniire :))
Quick post before three chinese lectures :)
Basically I'm finished with my morning run (and along the way, got some apples also - there was a nice looking apple tree along my way growing in someones garden, so I just stashed my pockets full of fruits and ran along with a pokerface :D oh, the life of a student), chugged down some coffee down my throat, read a bit from the macrobook.... And it seems to me, that I really enjoy macroeconomics, it's actually interesting, so I should order my own book from Amazon. Soon.
I'm also planning to join a gym in the near future. I kinda feel, that just running is not enough for me and I kinda miss bodypump. And I'd really like to see, how the bodyattack training looks like.
Kerti got back from Spain yesterday, with many impressions about the Spanish culture. And wine. Plus she also got new magnets for our fridge, one from Madrid and one from Leon (and we also have a magnet from Estonia, Indonesia and some other tropical island, also a postcard from Italy... we just gather souvenirs from different travels to that place :))
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