Saturday, October 13, 2012

On Holiday!

Low Roar - Patience
 Niisiis... vaheaeg on käes. 
放假!(fangjia - puhkus, vaheaeg)
Jah, Taanis on ka ülikoolis vaheajad. Lahe, eks.
Osad läksid/lähevad koju, ma jään siia, rassin tööd teha ja vahepeal ehk õpin ka. Kuna neljapäeval ja reedel olid hiina keele eksamid, siis keskendusingi paar viimast nädalat ainult keelele ning paratamatult jäin paaris aines natuke maha.
Aga - tatatatrara, homme on eriline päev! Nimelt on homme esimene pühapäev alates Taani naasmisest, mil ma ei pea tööle minema! Woo, vaba pühapäev! Ja ma ei oska kohe sellega midagi ette võtta! Mida tavaliselt pühapäeviti tehakse? Ma olen nii harjunud, et iga päev peab kuskil olema ja midagi tegema ja nüüd, kus mul pole ainsatki kohustust homseks... eee... pikk unelemine, tripp jõuksi ja pärastpoole pannkoogid maasikamoosiga kõlab juba nagu mingigi plaan. Jeps, I could live with that.
So, it's autumn break.
放假! (fangjia - holiday, vacation)
Jep, they actually have autumn breaks in Danish universities. Cool, I know.
Some went home, some are planning to go home. I'm not planning anything, gonna stay here, bust my back at work and occasionally, I might even consider sutdying. And since we had exams in Chinese on Thursday & Friday, so these past few weeks I've mostly concentrated on doing Chinese while neglecting other subjects. So I do need to step it up a bit.
But - drumroll - tomorrow is a special day! It's the first Sudnay since I've been back in Denmark, when I don't have to go to work! Woo, a totally free Sunday! Aaaaand I have no idea, what to do with it. I'm so used to the fact that there's always some place I have to go to or something which needs to be done, so now that I actually haven't got a care in the world I'm kinda lost... What do normal people do on Sundays? Hmm, lot's of sleep, a trip to the gym and later on pancakes with strawberry jam actuallt almost sound like they'd fit into a great Sunday. Yep, I could live with that.

Reede hommik, mil üritasin enne eksameid viimaseid hanzisid õppida.
Kusjuures suulise eksami hindeks sain 10, mis on VÄGA vahva, eriti kuna kõne on üsna raske harjutada ning mul pole selleks väga võimalustki olnud. Aga nüüd on mul chinese tutor, kelle abiga suuline pool loodetavasti paraneb :)
Friday morning before the exam, when I tried to memorize some last hanzis.
And I actually got a 10 in my oral exam, which is damn great, since it's really hard to practice the oral part and I didn't even have a proper chance for that. But now I have a tutor in Chinese, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my speech will improve with her help :)

Mm, ja tänane mõnulemine peale tööd. Sest olen selle ära teeninud.
Mm, and cozyness after work today. 'Cause I'm so worth it.

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