xxxy - I Know This Can't Be Love
Ajei, kvaliteetfotod tulekul, not some mobile phone or instagram crap!
Yay, quality photos coming up, no instagram or cell phone crap!
Üldine kokkuvõte nädalast - väga töine, kooli jaoks pole suurt midagi teinud, 2 korda jõudsin jõuksi, 2 korda oleksin napilt sisse maganud, ühe korra lukustasin end kodunt välja ja mu seljavalu on tagasi (kaalun Eestis olles väikest spaakosutust, mis for sure peab massaaži sisaldama).
My week in general - too much work, barely enough time for school stuff, been to gym 2 times, nearly slept in 2 times, locked myself out of the apartment one time and my back pain has returned (so I'm thinking of maybe going to a spa back in Estonia and it deffinetly has to involve some massage).
My week in general - too much work, barely enough time for school stuff, been to gym 2 times, nearly slept in 2 times, locked myself out of the apartment one time and my back pain has returned (so I'm thinking of maybe going to a spa back in Estonia and it deffinetly has to involve some massage).
Ma olen vist juba kõigile jõudnud rõõmsalt siristada, et mu juuksed on kasvanud! Mul on tunne, et terve eelmise aasta jooksul juuksekasv lihtsalt seisis ja nüüüüüd, opppaa, saan juba normaalse punutise teha!
Hoian pöialt, et karvakasvu jagub ka uude aastasse, hehe.
I think I've been saying this to all my friends already, but here it goes - my hair has grown! It just seemed to me, that there was basically no or superlittle growth throughout whole last year and now, ohyay, I can actually braid my hair!
Keeping my fingers crossed that this growth will also continue in the new year, hehe.
Hoian pöialt, et karvakasvu jagub ka uude aastasse, hehe.
I think I've been saying this to all my friends already, but here it goes - my hair has grown! It just seemed to me, that there was basically no or superlittle growth throughout whole last year and now, ohyay, I can actually braid my hair!
Keeping my fingers crossed that this growth will also continue in the new year, hehe.
Taani on teadupoolest kallis riik... seega pole mul vähimatki aimu, kuidas sain Tigi šampooni ja palsami 7.80 euro eest tükk... Eestis maksab üks nimetatud toodetest juba 24 eurot.
Olukord on kergelt absurdne ja võtab kukalt kratsima, but oh well.
Everyone knows that life in Denmark is kinda expensive... so I kinda have no idea how I managed to get a shampoo and conditioner from Tigi for 7.80 euros each... I mean, in Estonia, you'd have to pay 24 euros for just one of these.
This is just absurd and leaves me speechless, but oh well.
Olukord on kergelt absurdne ja võtab kukalt kratsima, but oh well.
Everyone knows that life in Denmark is kinda expensive... so I kinda have no idea how I managed to get a shampoo and conditioner from Tigi for 7.80 euros each... I mean, in Estonia, you'd have to pay 24 euros for just one of these.
This is just absurd and leaves me speechless, but oh well.
Väike meistriteos - tomatid, feta juust, kanafilee, seedermänni seemned ja tilk õunaäädikat.
Little masterpiece - tomatos, feta cheese, chicken fillet, pine nuts and a drop of apple cider vinegar.
Little masterpiece - tomatos, feta cheese, chicken fillet, pine nuts and a drop of apple cider vinegar.
Hubased jõuludekoratsioonid köögis.
Cozy Christmas decorations in the kitchen.
Cozy Christmas decorations in the kitchen.
Okei, märkmed ja ideed, palun võtke end nüüd kokku ja tehke iseendast üks report. Pretty please???
Okay, notes and ideas, please get yourselves together and transform yourself into a report, pretty please???
Okay, notes and ideas, please get yourselves together and transform yourself into a report, pretty please???
sinu blogi lugedes tuleb alati selline tunne, et tahaks ise sinu asemel olla. tahaks ks kuskil välismaal olla, et oleks oma kodu, omad kohustused.. et saaks ka olle nii iseseisev ja tubli nagu sina :)
Oioi, mis sa nüüd :D Usu mind, siin on hea, aga kodus (st. Eestis) on ikka parem :)
Kuigi iseseisvust on selle viimase aastaga ikka kuhjaga juurde tulnud, seda olen küll täheldanud... juba ainuüksi see on kogu seda kogemust väärt!
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