Ohhoo, tundub, et tuleb üks väga pildine postitus... seega soovitan juba eelnevalt play vajutada ning vooluga kaasa minna.
This post will be full of photos, so I recommend pressing play and just go with the flow.
This post will be full of photos, so I recommend pressing play and just go with the flow.
Eelmisel nädalavahetusel otsis üks sõbranna eelseisva moeshow tarvis modelle ning mõtlesime Kertiga, et miks mitte ennast pakkuda - huvitav kogemus ju! Tahtsime sinna tegelikult pealtvaatajateks minna, kuid võimalus üritust lavatagusest perspektiivist näha oli kordades ahvatlevam.
Mida The Green Gerda endast kujutab?
Lisaks SDU'le on Sonderborgis ka Business Academy SouthWest, kus lisaks programmeerimisele saab ka moedisaini õppida. Sealsed õpilased, Katrin ja Else, on loonud oma moeliini The Green Gerda ning juba nimest aimdub, et tegemist on taaskasutusmoega. Kõik materjalid saadi päästearmee annetatud riietest ning nendest valmistati täiesti uued esemed.
Teemaks oli Nordic design meets Africa, niisiis olid riided tagasihoidliku ja minimalistliku disainiga, nagu põhjamaale kohane, kuid värvitoonid ja detailid olid aafrikast inspireeritud.
Ning otseloomulikult pean mainima, et catwalkil saatsid modelle aafrika trummari live'is esitatud rütmid.
Ja nüüd - lavataguse pildid! (mis ei sisalda disainitud riiete pilte)
A friend of our was looking for some models for an upcoming fashionshow, so me and Kerti decided why not volunteer - it's a great experience! We wanted to go there as guests anyways, but the chance of seeing the process backstage seemed so much more interesting.
So what is The Green Gerda?
Besides SDU, there's also Business Academy SouthWest here in Sonderborg, where you can study computing and, hey, even fashion design. Two students, Katrin and Else, have created their own line, The Green Gerda and it is all about sustainable fashion, as the name already suggests. All the materials for the collection were donated by the Salvation Army and then transformed into completely new pieces.
The theme was Nordic design meets Africa, so the pieces had a minimalistic design, as it is common here in the North, but the colors and details had an African twist to them.
And of course, I do have to mention, that models were accompanied by the rhytms of an African drummer, who was playing live at the show.
And now - the photos from backstage! (not including the photos of the designed pieces)
Mida The Green Gerda endast kujutab?
Lisaks SDU'le on Sonderborgis ka Business Academy SouthWest, kus lisaks programmeerimisele saab ka moedisaini õppida. Sealsed õpilased, Katrin ja Else, on loonud oma moeliini The Green Gerda ning juba nimest aimdub, et tegemist on taaskasutusmoega. Kõik materjalid saadi päästearmee annetatud riietest ning nendest valmistati täiesti uued esemed.
Teemaks oli Nordic design meets Africa, niisiis olid riided tagasihoidliku ja minimalistliku disainiga, nagu põhjamaale kohane, kuid värvitoonid ja detailid olid aafrikast inspireeritud.
Ning otseloomulikult pean mainima, et catwalkil saatsid modelle aafrika trummari live'is esitatud rütmid.
Ja nüüd - lavataguse pildid! (mis ei sisalda disainitud riiete pilte)
A friend of our was looking for some models for an upcoming fashionshow, so me and Kerti decided why not volunteer - it's a great experience! We wanted to go there as guests anyways, but the chance of seeing the process backstage seemed so much more interesting.
So what is The Green Gerda?
Besides SDU, there's also Business Academy SouthWest here in Sonderborg, where you can study computing and, hey, even fashion design. Two students, Katrin and Else, have created their own line, The Green Gerda and it is all about sustainable fashion, as the name already suggests. All the materials for the collection were donated by the Salvation Army and then transformed into completely new pieces.
The theme was Nordic design meets Africa, so the pieces had a minimalistic design, as it is common here in the North, but the colors and details had an African twist to them.
And of course, I do have to mention, that models were accompanied by the rhytms of an African drummer, who was playing live at the show.
And now - the photos from backstage! (not including the photos of the designed pieces)
Ehitusjärgus lava ja läbimäng:
The stage in building process and rehearsals:
The stage in building process and rehearsals:
Show ajal ma otseloomulikult pildistada ei saanud.
Hiljem toimus ka tuleshow iFabrikkeni ees.
Üleüldse oli tegemist laheda asukohaga, iFabrikkeniga, mis oli vana laohoone sadamas, kuid mis praegu on noorte ettevõtjate poolt asustatud. Osad ruumid on firmade kontoriteks muudetud ning osades viiakse läbi üritusi, nagu ka seekord (kunagises kaubalaos on nüüd midagi näitusesaali laadset, seekord oli seal ka lava).
Didn't get a chance to take any photos of the show.
There was a fireshow in front of iFabrikken later on though.
All in all, iFabrikken is a great spot for a show. It's basicallt like an old warehouse at the harbour, but now it's been taken over by young entrepreneurs. Some rooms have been turned into offices and in others, events are being held (just like that big storage room part, where the show was held at).
Hiljem toimus ka tuleshow iFabrikkeni ees.
Üleüldse oli tegemist laheda asukohaga, iFabrikkeniga, mis oli vana laohoone sadamas, kuid mis praegu on noorte ettevõtjate poolt asustatud. Osad ruumid on firmade kontoriteks muudetud ning osades viiakse läbi üritusi, nagu ka seekord (kunagises kaubalaos on nüüd midagi näitusesaali laadset, seekord oli seal ka lava).
Didn't get a chance to take any photos of the show.
There was a fireshow in front of iFabrikken later on though.
All in all, iFabrikken is a great spot for a show. It's basicallt like an old warehouse at the harbour, but now it's been taken over by young entrepreneurs. Some rooms have been turned into offices and in others, events are being held (just like that big storage room part, where the show was held at).
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