Monday, December 3, 2012

December in all its glory

Veronica Falls - Teenage




Streets and lights


Detsembri algusega koos ilmusid tänavaile jõulutulukesed, mis muudavad pimeda aja tunduvalt helgemaks! Viskasin mingil hetkel statistika koduse ülesande nurka (flippin' all these papers... või siiski mitte... sulgesin vaid õrnalt läpaka kaane ja lootsin, et oli meeles kõik senitehtu ära salvestada) ning läksime mini-jalutuskäigule raekoja ette. Ja siis muidugi Fotexisse, sest mul tekkis vastupandamatu vajadus natuke köögis möllata ja seekord on tulekul kodused piparkoogid! 
Nii et hetkel on külmikus kilo mõnusalt vürtsikat taigent ootamas... ilmselt jõuab alles nädala teises otsas sellega midagi edasist ette võtta, aga see teadmine, et meil on võimalik varsti köök täita küpsetiste lõhnaga ning vormida küpsisekujukesi ja glasuuriga kaunistada, mõjub kuidagi nii rahustavalt. Nagu kodus ikka! 
Eestist pandi siiapoole suur üllatusepakk ka teele, ootan põnevusega! :)
So with the start of December, the Christmas lights also arrived on the streets and this dark time of the year seems to be so much brighter now! At soe point I just had to throw my statistics  home assignment in the corner (oh how I wanted to flip all these papers... but actually I just gently closed the lid of my laptop and prayed I remembered to save everything I've done so far) and we went for a mini-walk in downtown. And then to Fotex, since I got the sudden urge to make gingerbread cookies! 
Currently we have about a kilo of nice and spicy gingerbread dough waiting in the freezer... guess we'll be baking them sometime in the other half of the week 'cause of the lack of time, but just the fact that we will soon fill our kitchen with the smell of baking and we can cut out these cute cookie shapes and decorate them, makes me feel so great. Just like home!
And a package is on my way from Estonia, waiting with huge excitement! :)

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