Sunday, April 7, 2013

Feel Good Sunday

Tame Impala - Keep on Lying
Sonderborg in April
Kolmapäeval, kui kursaõe lahedas katusekorteris hängisin. That view.
Wednesday, while hanging out at a coursemates' cool apartment. That view. 
Sonderborg in April
Sonderborg in April
Sonderborg in April
Täna olin kasulik ja viisin nüüdseks juba teise posu riideid ja jalanõusid Punase Risti kogumiskasti. Niikuinii ei saa kõike suvel koju vedada, las keegi teine tunneb rõõmu.
Pilte tripist kogumiskastini, hea päike paistis.
Tried to do something nice today and took already my second batch of old clothes & shoes to the Red Cross container.
Can't take everything home in the summer anyways, might aswell let someone else feel happy for these things.
Pics from the walk 'til the container, it was nice and sunny.
Satin Jackets - You make me feel good

Netist tellimine enne suuri pühi on pisut halb mõte, sest pakkide saabumist peab ootama...forever. Seda suurem rõõm on see pakk siis lõpuks vastu võtta, wee. Ja Flensburgist pidin ka kohe paar värvilist asja soetama - kui väljas pole kevadet, siis tuleb kevad oma garderoobi värvidega tuua!
Ordering online before long-lasting holidays is a bad idea, since one has to wait for the packages to arrive like... forever. 
Though the pleasure of finally receiving them is even more overjoying then. And of course I just had to get some more colorful things from Flensburg - if there's no spring outside, then atleast my wardrobe should be more according to the calendar!


Teele M said...

Tsau :)
Sul on hea blogi.
Sooviksid teha koostööd ja jagada üksteise blogisid enda blogis? Teeks postituse kuhu lisaks pilte ja väikese tektsi. Mis arvad? :)

Merle Taani said...

haha! mul sama rahakott, aga lime toonis :)

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