Cyril Hahn - Perfect Form feat. Shy Girls
I'm home and superduper happy about it!
The road home was really exhausting, since we had to clean & paint the apartment, we only managed to get 2 hours of sleep. We left Sonderborg at 4 in the morning, then we just drove and drove and drove... 900 km later and we were in Stockholm, ready to go on board of the cruise ship. We were probably the most boring travellers ever over there, I mean the Swedish cruise is known as the notorious booze-cruise and what did we do? As soon as we got into our cabin, we took a long nap, then we went to the tax free shop for half an hour and returned to our cabin to watch Swedish TV. Hahaha, ah, we sound like old ladies, but really, we were drop dead tired :D
Yesterday was basically just me unpacking my stuff (you should've seen how full our car was!!!!) aaaand today was my first long day in Tallinn! Loving the city life already!
Oh, and I did the most stupidest thing ever, I forgot my Nikon baby into Kertis car, so my camera is far away in Viljandi. I feel so helpless, who ever knows me well, also knows how I love my Nikon... argh, this is just unbelievable...
This means I will torture you with Instagram photos! :)
Ma oled kodus ja hüperdupersuper rõõmus!
Teekond koju oli väga väsitav, sest reisile eelnenud päeval me koristasime ja värvisime korteris, see venis üsna pikale ning öösel saime seega vaid kaks nappi unetundi. Lahkusime Sonderborgist kell 4 hommikul ning lihtsalt sõitsime 900 km maha, kuniks olime Stockholmis ja valmis laevale minema. Me olime ilmselt kõige igavamad kruiisil viibinud reisijad, eks see Rootsi kruiis on ju kurikuulus booze cruise ja no mida meie tegime? Kohe kui oma kajutisse jõudsime, viskasime paariks tunniks pikali ja tegime mõnusa uinaku, seejärel läksime tax free poodi pooleks tunniks ja naasime kajutisse rootsi televisiooni vaatama. Hahah, nagu pensionärid, aga me olime tõepoolest vässud :D
Eilne päev kulus lahtipakkimisele (te oleks pidanud nägema, kui pungil täis meie auto oli!) jaaaa täna oli mu esimene täispikk päev Tallinnas! Mulle tuleb taas meelde, kui vahva on linnaelu!
Suutsin korda saata täieliku rumaluse ja unustasin oma Nikoni Kerti autosse, seega mu kaamera on nüüd minuta kaugel eemal Viljandis. Ma tunnen end kohe nii abituna, ma olen ju oma kaamera külge justkui külge kleebitud.. argh, uskumatu.
See tähendab, et piinan teid pisut Instagrammi piltidega! :)
Scrubbing the walls
Random dinner, that doesn't require doing the dishes
Super early morning in Sweden
Swedish summer and +26 degrees
Continuing with the healthy & nutritious meals - luchtime in Sweden
Running in the forest near my home this morning - I missed it so much!!!
Going to the city to have a busy day
Sonderborg Estonians reunion with Helis and Sally
Wanted to try this Estonian coconut ice cream for a long time
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