It's on! The time is now! Half of my stuff is packed and waiting in the car, the other half is still stacked up in my room. Soon we'll start painting the walls, tomorrow we'll clean up the last bits and we plan to start our trip to Estonia on Wednesday early morning (so early, some would still consider it Tuesday). Soon, oh yeah, soon I'll be home in my good ol' Tallinn!
Pakkimise aeg on käes! Pool mu mammonast on koos ja autos ootel, teine pool endiselt toas ootel. Üsna pea asume seinu värvima (Taanis peavad üürnikud välja kolides seinad üle värvima), homme koristame veel ja kolmapäeva varahommikul (nii vara, et osad peavad seda ilmselt veel teisipäevaks) asume Eesti poole teele.
Üsna pea olen kodus oma armsas Tallinnas!
To the beach!
At the beach!
Evening walks from the gym and sunshine
Tumblr boredom
Last trip to Flensburg with Kerti for a long time - yummy ice cream and girl talk
The true meaning of "I have nothing to wear"
Ah, tahaks juba ka.. Head reisi!
See pakkimine-mööbli kolimine-värvimine on tohutult närvesööv, aga peatne kojuminek korvab kõik... uskumatu, et me juba paarikümne tunni pärast teel oleme! Aitähh! :)
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