Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pollution... and Christmas feeling

Ma pole kindel, kui palju Eesti meediast on see teema läbi käinud, aga Shanghais on hetkel kriisiolukord. Nimelt on õhusaaste tase rekordiliselt kõrge, nähtavus on täielikult häiritud (lennud jäeti halva nähtavuse tõttu ära ja aknast välja vaadates näeb ainult valget sudukihti). Kõige hullem olukord oli reedel, praeguse seisuga on saaste kõigest "unhealthy" (eelnevalt oli selleks "hazarduous" umbes, PM2.5 skaalal oli see üle 600... ja soovitatav PM2.5 tase on umbes 25, mida peetakse normaalseks).
I'm not sure how much you've heard about the situation here, but Shanghai was experiencing a really horrible pollution this week. It was record high since they've been measuring the air pollution level (some flights got even cancelled because of the decreased visibility and all you can see when looking out the window is a thick layer of smog). The situation got really bad on Friday, currently the level is only at "unhealthy" (on Friday it was "hazarduous" with a PM2.5 of around 600... and the recommended level is at PM2.5 of 25, which is considered normal).

Pollution in Shanghai
Kohalik rahvusvaheline kanal, mis kuvas hoiatusmärke.
Local international channel, which was showing the caution signs.
Pollution in Shanghai
Väga häiriv vaade laupäeva hommikul
Very disturbing view on Saturday morning

Aga liigume veidi rõõmsamatele teemadele - jõulud! Hiinas viibides on minus tärganud tõeline jõulufänn, ilmselt teadmise pärast, et siin ei teki seda õiget tunnet iseenesest. Niisiis kasutasime võimalust ja käisime Michelle'iga eile Paulaner Brauhaus'i jõuluturul. Jõime mõnusalt hõõgveini, tõuklesime sakslastega (keda seal oli massiliselt) ja nosisime piparkooke. Hiljem, üsna lõbusas tujus, mille tekitas hõõgvein, liikusime oma kodusesse Perry's baari, kus sõbrunesime hollandlastega. Lõpuks suundusime koju ja kogu õhtule pani punkti uiguuride tänavagrillilt soetatud grillitud kaheksajala jalake varda otsas (haha, seafood).
But moving on to much pleasant topics - Christmas! Somehow while being in China, this weird Christmas-spirit has awakened in me. Probably because I know the right holiday feeling will not come to me by itself here. That's why we totally used the chance of visiting the Christmas market at Paulaner Brauhaus. We drank loads of glühwein with Michelle, pushed around with all the Germans (there were looooads of them there) and ate some gingerbread cookies. Then we moved on to good ol' Perry's, mingled with Dutch people and went home. The perfect finishing touch was the little grilled octopus leg on a stick from one of those uyghur bbq stands (well I do love seafood haha).
Tujuparandaja nr 1 - väike pakike kodunt! Absoluutselt vajalik Joiki kehakreem, vitamiinid, magusat Kalevilt ja hematogeen rauapuudusega võitlemiseks. Lõpuks ometi hankisin endale ka ühe Korea Innisfree näovahu, lisaks sellele ka konnyaku käsna ja poputan enda näonahka nüüd nendega.
Things to make me happy nr 1 - a little package from home! Absolutely necessary limited edition Joik body lotion, vitamins, some Estonian sweets and hematogen to fight the iron deficiency. Also managed to get my paws on the Korean Innisfree facial foam and a konnyaky sponge, which I'm now using to take care of my skin.
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Üks stend jõuluturul, mis müüs üsna ägeda disainiga kotte, t-särke ja muid tekstiilitooteid.
One stand at the market was selling some textile products a la t-shirts and tote bags, and of course they had really cool prints.
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Hõõgveini ostes sai ägedad keraamilised topsikesed, millega saab kuuma jooki igale poole kaasa võtta. Mõnus ja praktiline mälestus, mida mul kusjuures väga tarvis oli ja mida ma samal päeval poest leida lootsin!
When buying glühwein one got these cute ceramic cups, that can be used for carrying around hot drinks everywhere. Such a lovely and useful little souvenir, which I was actually looking for from the shops on the same day!
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Christmas Market
Haha, pilt emale :D
Haha, a polite one for mom :D

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