Movement - Feel Real (Shadow Child Remix)
Sellesse nädalasse mahutasin lisaks koolile esimesed praktikapäevad, lauluproovid ja eksamid. Reedel premeerisin end bondimisega teiste praktikantidega, aga eelnevalt sain omal nahal tunda, kuidas on olukord taksopüüdmisega hetkel, kui metroorongid lõpetavad liikumise õhtul (khm, suht lootusetu...).
Parajalt busy, täpselt nagu mulle meeldib. Tundsin väga sellest pisikesest pressure'ist puudust, mis teeb elu põnevamaks ja motiveerib rohkem pingutama.
Täna käisin üle pikapika aja oma lemmikul Nanjingi tänaval ja põikasin läbi Forever21 poest, et seal kõigi nelja korruse vältel iga leti ääres pikalt peatuda ja kõike imetleda... väljusin poest väsinult, kuid õnneliku ja ühe saapapaari võrra rikkamana.
Teisipäeval orgunnime suurt jõuluõhtut, mille puhul tellisime Pudongi Kerry Hotelist hiiglasliku kalkuni. Plaan on väikse seltskonnaga veeta üks õdus õhtu ning paistab, et sellest saab mu kõige "jõulusem jõulupüha" kodunt eemal. Kuna Hiinas pole jõulud suurem asi püha, siis üldiselt on 25. ja 26. detsember täiesti tavalised päevad... ja näiteks 30ndal detsembril on mul üldse eksam. Samas tempos jätkame kuni 10nda jaanuarini, mil algab vaheaeg ja see kestab tervelt märtsikuuni! Aaaaga sinnani on veel pikalt aega, praegu keskendume jõuludele :)
(Mida see Blogger fotode kvaliteediga nüüd tegi??)
(Mida see Blogger fotode kvaliteediga nüüd tegi??)
Managed to squeeze my first work days as an intern, singing practice and exams into this week besides the regular school. On Friday I rewarded myself with some bonding time with other interns from work and a bit before that, I learned the hard way how complicated it is to catch a cab in a big city after the last metro train leaves (yeah, kinda hopeless).
Busy, but just to the right amount. I was really missing this tiny feeling of pressure, which makes life more interesting and serves as a motivational force.
Went to my favourite Nanjing road after a really long time today, also stopped by at the Forever21 store. I was just going through all 4 floors and stopping at every shelf to gaze at every piece there... and left the store exhausted, but also with a new pair of boots.
We're having a Christmas Dinner on Tuesday and for this occasion we ordered a huge turkey from the Pudong Kerry Hotel. The plan is to gather with our tiny group of friends and have a jolly good time, which leads me to a thought that this might be the most "christmassy" Christmas I'm gonna have in a long time. As they don't really celebrate Christmas in China, then 25th and 26th of December are completely regular working days... and I'm gonna have an exam on the 30th of December even! We're going to continue with this pace until the 10th of January, when our holidays will start and this break will last until the beginning of March! Buuuut we have plenty of time until that, so for now, I'll just set my focus on having the best Christas abroad :)
(Blogger is really screwing up the photo quality!)
(Blogger is really screwing up the photo quality!)
Park with a cute pathway
Really? A sculpture for white collars?
One of many fancy Christmas trees on Nanjing
The chinese sure love their Apple - the store was packed!
Hihi, what a young spirit!
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