Eile tundus linn olevat inimestest täiesti tühjaks valgunud... Siis läksin korraks kohalikku Carrefouri grocery shopping'ule ja rahunesin maha, sest pood kubises inimestest ja veendusin, et linnugripp pole poolt rahvastikust minema pühkinud. Siis läksin jälle närvi, sest pood kubises inimestest ja otseloomulikult on kõigil vaja oma ostukärudega üle mu varvaste sõita ja paaniliselt tõugelda. Ostupaanika.
Hiina aastavahetuse veetsime Helen's baaris, mis oli samuti pooltühi. Nagu ka ülejäänud linn (ma pole Nanjing Road'i nii tühjana varem näinud). Siiski mõned üksikud välismaalased Shanghais olid sinna eksinud ja õigesti tegid, sest omanik oli kohal ja heas tujus ja helde. Tüüp jagas tasuta Tsing Taosid, shotte ja muudki ning südaööl tuli šampusega lagedale. Oh, ja ta oskas eesti keeles "terviseks!" öelda. Ma lähen alati elevile, kui siinkandis keegi midagigi Eesti kohta teab (tavareaktsioon: "Estonia...Oh." ja tühi pilk).
Tähelepanek eilsest - tundub, et Hiina ilutulestiku rakettide point seisneb võimalikult suure kära ja müra tekitamises, mitte valgusshow's. Eriti viis pluss idee on see, kui raketid pannakse sõidutee keskele, et need seal hullunult igas suunas sädemeid tulistaks ja autod südamerahuga läbi selle pillerkaare sõidavad.
Seemed like the whole city was completely abandoned yesterday... Then I went to the local Carrefour for groceries and calmed down a bit, 'cause it was packed with people and atleast I knew it wasn't the bird flu taking over the whole population of Shanghai. Then again, I got really angry for obvious reasons - the place was packed, remember. And of course, everyone just has to ride over my feet with their shopping carts and push around. Shopping crisis.
We spent the CNY at Helen's bar, which was almost empty. Just like the rest of the city (I've never seen Nanjing Road so deserted!). Some foreigners in Shanghai made their way to Helen's also and it was a wise decision, 'cause the owner was there and he was in good spirits and generous. He treated us with free Tsing Taos, shots and other stuff. Around midnight he pulled out these bottles of champagne for all of us. Oh, and he knew how to say cheers in Estonian ("terviseks!"). I always get excited when people here know even the tiniest bit about Estonia (usual reaction: "Estonia...Oh." and a blank ecpression).
Notes from yesterday - seems like the fireworks in China aren't so much about the light show, but about making as much noise as possible. Brownie points to the guy who put the firecrackers in the middle of the road, so these things would start going off in every direction and making hell of a noise and all the cars were just casually riding through that "party".
Opening the champagne
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