I don't always cook in the common kitchen, but when I do...
Mul tekkis täna kohutav isu millegi värske järgi, seega väike kokkamispisik andis endast jälle märku. Viskasin rändom asjad kokku ja olen endaga kohutavalt rahul (esmajoones seetõttu, et endiselt on mu ainsaks tõeliseks kokkamisvahendiks üks odav pott, mille turult kauplesin ja mis ähvardab vähe kõrgema temperatuuriga pliidil plahvatada).
Igatahes kombineerin tuttavat tundmatuga ja voilà! Krevetid, brokkoli ja šampinjonid vürtsikas curry kastmes, kõrvale bok choy, merevetikad ja sojakastmes seitan. Ja vetikate all on veel mingid naljakad seened peidus, aga mul pole aimugi, mis nende nimi võiks olla. Kõrvale sõin veel mingit ulmehead hiina lapikut saia, aga obvs ma söön kiiremini, kui ma pildistada jõuan, so what's gone is gone.
I was craving something fresh today, so this craving awakened the chef in me. I threw together some of the most random things and I'm damn happy with the outcome (especially since after half a year in Shanghai, my one and only cookware is a cheap pot I got from a market and whenever the induction heater gers too got, the damn thing seems to be close to exploding).
So here I combined the familiar with unfamiliar and voilà! Shrimps, broccoli and champignons in spicy curry sauce and on the side we have bok choy, seaweed and seitan in soy sauce. And there are some more weird mushrooms underneath the seaweed, but I have no clue how these are called. Also had this amazing chinese flatbread on the side, but obviously I ear faster than I take pictures, so what's gone is gone and no pictures this time.
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