Monday, September 1, 2014

Au revoir, Summer

Mul on igal aastal augusti viimasel päeval kuidagi kurb meel - kuna tegemist on viimase suvepäevaga, siis olen kuupäevast kuidagi eriti teadlik ja mõtlen sellele tihedamini, kui peaks. Ja siis meeldib mulle nostalgitseda ning mõelda kõigele toredale ja võib olla mitte nii toredale, mis kolme kuu jooksul aset leidis. 
Teisest küljest seondub viimane augusti päev sügise ootusega, elevusest kooli ees ja, nagu igal aastal, lubadusega olla veel tublim, aktiivsem ja khmkhm, alustada koolitööde ja -projektide kirjutamisega varem.
Aga siin väike fotopomm eilsest, kui käisime Kerttuga Telliskivis ja üldse linna peal ning ta lubas lahkesti mul katsetada oma Canonit, mille ette oli krutitud vintage objektiiv. Harjumatu mõlemast aspektist (põline Nikoni sõber, nagu ma olen), but fun nevertheless!
The last day of August has this strange effect of making me sad year after year - I'm way too aware of the date and keep thinking about it too many times during the day. I'm also more prone to get nostalgic and go through all these great and perhaps not so great things that had happened during these three wonderful months.
On the other hand, of course,  the last day of August is also closely related to me anticipating the Autumn, the excitement before school and, as I do every year, with promises of being a better student and starting the writing of my school papers a tad bit earlier.
Here's a little photobomb from yesterday, when me & Kerttu went to hang around the Telliskivi area and some other places around the city and she let me try out her Canon which had a vintage russian lens mounted on to it. Surely was a new thing for me to try out, but it was definitely fun!

Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer
Byebye, Summer

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