Monday, August 31, 2015


On the next day after my arrival, we were taken to the Great Wall of China!
Juba teisel päeval peale saabumist viidi meid Suure Hiina Müüri juurde!
First week in Beijing
Neon-lit nights of Beijing on my night of arrival - had to buy some basic things like all purpose cleaner from the supermarket by our dorms
First week in Beijing
Some touristy stuff at the gates of the entrance to The Wall
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing
Look at the height of these stairs!
First week in Beijing
First week in Beijing

We got on the bus at 7:30 and headed towards the Mutianyu part of The Great Wall. 
So once you're there, you have to go through the entrance gate to the area with all the restaurants and souvenir shops, where the bus will take you a bit further. There you have a set of stairs which you have to climb and then you've made it, you're at the wall! 
And let me tell you, it's quite and exercise! First of all, it's hot and the sun is burning every inch of your body. Moreover, the stairs are steep and it's just a lot of climbing involved. We were dripping with sweat, but the view, oh my god... it's worth it. Every second, every moment was so worth it. It's amazing to just be there.
We went back to Beijing at around 1 p.m. and once at the dorms, I was the translator for everyone who had problems with their rooms - as the rooms were in a very bad condition, some of the toilets were broken etc, so I had to explain the shifu what's wrong. Definitely put my Chinese skills to test on a very new level. But I'm happy, as it hopefully will get me back to my previous level.
We went to a party later with all the international classmates, then on Saturday we had some Chinese lessons and a photo hunt across Beijing. So yeah, I've taken the subway, been to the Olympic stadium, Wangfujing, Silk Market etc. 
Sunday was off, so me and some girls got our Chinese phone numbers settled and went to Ikea. Then we cleaned our rooms. And today, on Monday, we met up with our Innovation Management classmates, both international and Chinese, and the teachers. The Chinese are so-so-so nice and helpful, I'm really excited to have them as classmates. They're really impressed with my Chinese also and they promised to help me out with some Chinese, in exchange of speaking English with me, so I'm happy about that. I just got back from the dinner with all my IM classmates and oh man, I'm so tired, but so happy to be here. Everything is so right.
Hüppasime reedel kell 7:30 bussile ning kihutasime Suure Hiina Müüri poole, täpsemalt Mutianyu osa juurde (seal on mitu erinevat juppi, kuhu saab minna).
Niisiis, olles seal läbitakse sissepääsuvärav ja sealt pääseb alale, kus on suveniirid, söögikohad ja bussid, mis viivad su edasi. Bussid peatuvad treppide juures, midamööda turnides pääseb lõpuks müürile.
Müüril olek on täielik elamus! Esiteks, seal on väga palav, päike lihtsalt kõrvetab igat katmata kehaosa. Lisaks on trepiastmed ja üldse kogu tee üsna järskude tõusude ja langustega, nii et päris palju turnimist esineb. Me nõretasime higist, aga oh, see vaade... kõike seda väärt. Iga sekund, iga hetk. Ausalt, üks imelisemaid asju, mida teinud olen. 
Läksime kella 13 paiku tagasi Pekingisse ning abistasin teisi ühika-plikse hiina keele tõlkimisega - kuna ühikatoad pole just parimas seisundis, siis nt on osadel probleeme katkiste wc pottidega, seega pidin shifu'le seletama, milles probleem. See pani mu pisut roostes hiina keele proovile, aga see on ainult hea, sest nii peaks keelevilumus kiiremini tagasi tulema.
Hiljem läksime peole oma rahvusvaheliste klassikaaslastega. Laupäeval oli meil hiina keele tund ning pärastlõunal oli fotojaht üle terve Pekingi, nii et nüüdseks olen sõitnud metrooga, näinud Olümpiastaadioni, käinud Wangfujingil ja Siiditurul jne. 
Pühapäev oli vaba, niisiis läksime paari pliksiga endale kohalikke telefoninumbreid sebimas ning hiljem IKEA's šoppamas. Seejärel koristasime põhjalikult tube. Täna, ehk esmaspäeval, saime oma Innovation Management'i klassikaaslaste, rahvusvaheliste ja hiinlastega, kokku ning nägime oma õpetajaid. Hiinlased on niiniinii toredad ja abivalmid, ning mul on nii hea meel, et nad on mu klassikaaslased nüüd! Nad oli täiega vaimustuses mu hiina keele pärast ning lubasid aidata vastutasuks sellele, et nendega inglise keeles räägin. Praegu saabusin IM grupi õhtusöögilt ja ohjumal, ma olen nii väsinud, aga nii rahul kõigega. Rahul, et siia tulin. Huh, siin on nii lahe.

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